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Doug Ford’s attacks on workers continue

Friday, November 1st, 2019

Ford says he’s “for the people,” but his failure to act confirms, yet again, what many in Ontario have come to learn. He works for “his” people: campaign donors and corporations. He could not care less about the health and safety or the lives of workers in Ontario. That is the real crime.

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Six reasons to just say ‘No’ to electoral reform

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

As tempting as it might seem to some to “reform” our system, the reality is that Canadians in every province that has held a referendum on electoral reform have voted against the idea. To keep pushing this bad idea makes little sense, especially when the reasons for rejecting are so powerful… Firstly, … there is no evidence that other nations with such voting systems, such as Germany or Sweden, are any better governed than is Canada.

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Why I resigned from the Senate

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Having always, as a journalist, put reason, objectivity and moderation at the top of my professional values, I found it very difficult to work in an environment where partisan interests appeared to be foremost in so many minds… The chamber should also be more effective; there is simply too much time wasted on partisan and procedural bickering.

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Why healthy neighbourhoods are the antidote to gun crime

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

… the way to address those “roots” of violence is to invest directly in communities where those determinants — poverty, marginalization, a lack of economic opportunities and others — have contributed to making the problem of gun violence so persistent… Researchers today say that commitment to communities is still lacking.

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A (little) bit of welcome news on the opioid crisis

Friday, October 25th, 2019

… “evidence-based strategies” … includes improved access to harm reduction and overdose prevention, such as safe consumption sites; increased resources to treat addictions and mental health conditions; and better access to alternative treatments for chronic pain… There were more than 4,500 opioid-related deaths in Canada last year. Ontario needs to do its part to make sure those numbers decline.

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Can legal aid be improved while its budget is slashed? Ontario’s attorney general says yes

Friday, October 25th, 2019

“We’re not talking about doing more with less, we’re talking about doing things differently… how we can deliver service to more people, the vulnerable population, in a really different way… The cuts have meant that Legal Aid Ontario will generally no longer fund private criminal lawyers to handle bail hearings… As a result, duty counsel services have been reduced in other areas at courthouses.

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How I was recruited into sex trafficking

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

In reality, 93 per cent of victims of human trafficking in Canada are Canadian themselves, most often lured, groomed and eventually trafficked by someone they know… My trafficker didn’t have to restrain me with physical chains; his skilful manipulation was enough to hold me captive. He isolated me to the point that I had no one else to turn to… We can no longer ignore that this is happening right under our noses.

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A last-minute guide to what the federal parties are pitching

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Over the course of the election, federal parties have been making their pitch to Canadians on their plans for the environment, health care, affordability, the economy and plenty more…here’s what the parties are pitching:

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Scheer, Ford and the lessons of Ontario

Saturday, October 19th, 2019

Ontario voters gave Ford their support when he warned of troubled government finances that needed a conservative touch to right the ship. They trusted him when he promised to put more money in their pockets and to cut government spending in ways they wouldn’t notice. We know how poorly that’s turned out, but Scheer is still hoping voters will buy those lines once again.

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Women cannot afford another conservative government

Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Saving money does not lead to increased safety for vulnerable populations; it leads to increased violence and the increased costs associated with that. Any cost savings are short-term… Women in Ontario are seeing firsthand what happens when politicians don’t include gender-based violence and women’s equality on their list of platform priorities.

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