Archive for the ‘Education Delivery System’ Category

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Why teachers like me are dreading the return to school

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

… 30 per cent of Ontario teachers leave the vocation in the first five years as educators. Ontario educators are leaving teaching behind as severe provincial spending cuts, the strain of COVID and a drastic rise in student violence have created an education crisis in Ontario… The provincial government began slashing funding to education in 2019. This resulted in multibillion dollar budget shortfalls for Ontario boards… A 2023-2024 survey reported a 24 per cent shortage of teaching staff in elementary schools, and a 35 per cent teaching shortage in secondary schools.

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Ontario has lost 5,000 classroom educators since 2018

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

In 2024-2025, Ontario will have 4,990 fewer classroom educators than it would have had if the funding formula hadn’t changed since 2018-19. Under the new formula, kindergarten will have to make do with 1,600 fewer staff. Grades 4 to 8 will have almost 1,000 fewer staff. Grades 9 to 12 will lose almost 2,600 positions… Depriving Ontario’s children of educators is the worst thing this government can do for the future of this province.

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Beyond the cafeteria: The economic case for investing in school meals

Monday, March 4th, 2024

In the long-term, universal free school lunches can also improve children’s health, academic performance and subsequent economic outcomes throughout life…  Our new research summarizes the strong economic rationale for investing in school meal programs in Canada. Universal school meals can not only provide immediate relief to families, but also build a legacy of improved public health and economic prosperity for generations to come. 

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Ontario adds $1.3B in post-secondary funding, freezes tuition for three more years

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Ontario ranks 10th out of 10 in every comparison of interprovincial post-secondary financing, according to a report last year by Higher Education Strategy Associates. International students now give more money to Ontario’s institutions than the government does… Raising Ontario’s level of per-student funding to the average of the other nine provinces would require $7.1 billion per year in additional spending — much higher than the current level of operating funding at around $5 billion

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What the cap on international students means for Doug Ford’s government 

Friday, January 26th, 2024

Ontario’s post-secondary sector has become increasingly reliant on the high tuition fees paid by foreign students and has recruited them in staggering numbers… Those numbers are to be cut in half, the federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marc Miller said this week. Deciding how to divvy up that far slimmer allocation of international students among Ontario’s universities and colleges will be up to the provincial government. 

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Ontario’s universities face a looming crisis. ‘Efficiencies’ aren’t the answer

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

Neither domestic nor foreign students can afford a tuition increase, yet universities can’t make ends meet without more funding. Ontario student funding is already the lowest in the country… first and foremost, the Ford government needs to increase per-student funding to institutions by at least the 10 per cent its own panel recommended and prepare for more increases down the road.

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New report shows province needs to double current funding to Ontario universities

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

… the province would have to increase funding from just under $8,300 per student to more than $16,000 per student just to reach the average funding level of other provinces. The report found between 2018 and 2022, university operating revenues from the provincial government and domestic student fees was reduced by $3,200 per student… [with] domestic students paying tuition fees that are 24 per cent higher than the average for the rest of Canada… over-reliance on international students to fund universities, exploitation of low-paid contract faculty, reduced funding for research and growing class sizes.

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Ontario’s regional universities are in jeopardy — and so are the future of our communities

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Increasingly… regional universities are alone in shouldering the costs of educating our future citizens and supporting our communities due to funding freezes from the province… Operating grants from the provincial government have been frozen since 2006 and the province has not funded for net new students since 2016… Then in 2019, the province cut domestic tuition fees by 10 per cent and has frozen them since… These cuts are not sustainable.

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‘We have a system that has lost its integrity’: Canada moves to reform its international student program

Monday, October 30th, 2023

“The worst of the private colleges are the storefront, fly-by-night operation, and they’re really dashing people’s hopes in this country. And those need to be shut down,” said Miller, adding that education is outside of the federal jurisdiction and it takes provincial leadership to address these problems… A new program has been developed to let immigration and border officials to quickly authenticate international students’ offer letters and payment status in real time.

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Indian students outpace Ontario government in funding colleges: report

Sunday, September 17th, 2023

“Indian students not only contribute twice the amount of money to the college system, on aggregate, that Canadian students do, they also contribute slightly more than does the Government of Ontario.”… as Ontario has frozen and reduced tuition for domestic students, colleges have made up for it by accepting more international students… this has led to municipalities struggling to provide housing, transit and social services for the increasing population.

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