Posts Tagged ‘multiculturalism’

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Province urged to take time to rethink flawed post-secondary education bill

Friday, May 10th, 2024

Bill 166 is being touted as a potential law to improve transparency and student mental health, and to combat racism and hate on the province’s post-secondary campuses… The provincial government is using a manufactured crisis as an excuse for increased ill-informed ministerial interference… What we do need is a real solution to the real crisis created by government through more than a decade of funding cuts and squeezes.

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Ontario plans to require salary ranges be included in job postings

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

“Including salary ranges with job postings can help close the gender pay gap, while allowing companies to find qualified candidates faster and improve retention, helping tackle the labour shortage.” … new legislation… also proposes to require employers to inform job seekers when they are using AI to inform hiring decisions… the province is considering banning the use of non-disclosure agreements in cases of workplace sexual harassment, misconduct or violence.

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‘We have a system that has lost its integrity’: Canada moves to reform its international student program

Monday, October 30th, 2023

“The worst of the private colleges are the storefront, fly-by-night operation, and they’re really dashing people’s hopes in this country. And those need to be shut down,” said Miller, adding that education is outside of the federal jurisdiction and it takes provincial leadership to address these problems… A new program has been developed to let immigration and border officials to quickly authenticate international students’ offer letters and payment status in real time.

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Indian students outpace Ontario government in funding colleges: report

Sunday, September 17th, 2023

“Indian students not only contribute twice the amount of money to the college system, on aggregate, that Canadian students do, they also contribute slightly more than does the Government of Ontario.”… as Ontario has frozen and reduced tuition for domestic students, colleges have made up for it by accepting more international students… this has led to municipalities struggling to provide housing, transit and social services for the increasing population.

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Time for Ford to act on Ontario’s reliance on international students for post-secondary funding 

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

The government’s failure to properly fund post-secondary is the root cause of the burgeoning international student population and the strain it puts on housing… What it needs to do is reduce the system’s reliance on those students’ fees by reducing their numbers and making up the difference itself. That would help both the housing market and the stability of post-secondary education.

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Black Canadians suffer racism in the justice system. Efforts are needed to address it.

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

To be sure, the police aren’t alone in their disparate treatment of Black Canadians and other racial minorities. Police are, inevitably, singled out given their role on the front line of the justice system… racial bias is a systemic problem. And rectifying that will require not just apologies, but a concerted, thoroughgoing effort to eradicate the racism that threatens the very ideals animating and inspiring our system, and our society.

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It’s time to abolish the Catholic school system in Ontario

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

The demographic and political imperatives that required a separate system no longer exist. The system continues to exist because of a powerful lobby, entrenched interests, and inertia… it would take only Ontario and the federal government to do so. The legal path to ending public denominational funding is much easier than you think. There would be court challenges and protests, but the separate-system backers would lose.

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A bitter truth: 30 years of child welfare data collection reveals deep systemic inequities, racism and harm

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

The data in this study told a different story from the shocking, high-profile physical and sexual abuse cases covered in media. “The majority of situations we were documenting in Ontario had to do with neglect rather than physical or sexual abuse… most cases revealed toxic combinations of struggling parents trying to raise children within a context of poverty, systemic racism, substance abuse and lack of support.

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Posted in Child & Family Delivery System | No Comments »

It’s time to close the breach at Roxham Road and enforce Canada’s borders

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

It’s not mainly a question of money. The people working to receive and care for asylum seekers are limited. The number of new classes we can add to accommodate children, many of whom are distressed or traumatized, is limited, and that’s not to mention the shortage of teachers… housing… We have therefore asked the federal government to settle new asylum seekers in other provinces that are capable of supporting them with dignity.

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Over 800,000 international students in Canada in 2022

Friday, February 17th, 2023

There were a total of 807,750 study permit holders in Canada in December, over 190,000 more than in 2021. The new figures surpass by some way Canada’s target of 450,000 foreign students by 2022 set out in the country’s 2014 international education strategy… Over half (411,985) of all international students in Canada held permits linked to Ontario institutions. 

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