Archive for the ‘Education Policy Context’ Category

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Province urged to take time to rethink flawed post-secondary education bill

Friday, May 10th, 2024

Bill 166 is being touted as a potential law to improve transparency and student mental health, and to combat racism and hate on the province’s post-secondary campuses… The provincial government is using a manufactured crisis as an excuse for increased ill-informed ministerial interference… What we do need is a real solution to the real crisis created by government through more than a decade of funding cuts and squeezes.

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How shamelessly has Doug Ford ground down Ontario’s colleges and universities? Let me count the ways

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

The Tories set up a fancy-sounding Blue Ribbon Panel on Post-secondary Education that quickly focused on fixing the distorted bottom line with straightforward advice: Stop cutting tuition and stop freezing funding… Let’s not confuse efficiencies with distortions. By profiting from the penury of post-secondary institutions — boosting his own bottom line while starving universities and contorting colleges — Ford is giving the province a costly lesson about false economies.

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Canadian schools are accepting international students by the thousands — but nearly half aren’t being allowed into the country

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

The Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association has made a submission to the federal government on the international student program and recommends overseas education agents be regulated by provinces and designated learning institutions be accountable for their agents’ activities and conduct. It urges Canada to mandate the institutions to employ overseas agents directly and release their names, citizenship and location of work.

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Canada has new requirements for international students hoping to come study.

Saturday, December 9th, 2023

… prospective international students will need to show they have access to $20,635 instead of the $10,000 requirement that has been in place for two decades, in addition to paying for travel and tuition. The amount will be adjusted annually based on a Statistics Canada benchmark for living costs… applicants who have already submitted an application for a study permit as of December 7, 2023, will be able to work off campus more than 20 hours per week until [April 30, 2024].”

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After years of work, Ontario faculty say major victory achieved on protecting public universities

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

… the Federal government is reforming harmful corporate bankruptcy legislation—a crucial move that will protect public universities from corporate-style restructuring policies… “What happened at Laurentian should never have happened, and now we can ensure that it will not happen again to another public university in Canada.”… In 2022, Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk stated the CCAA/BIA process was an inappropriate method for dealing with the financial challenges of public institutions.

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Children’s early learning belongs in neighbourhood schools

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

Early learning is early education. It belongs under the purview of Ministries of Education. The federal government invested in children’s early learning and child-care because it finally accepted the wisdom of doing so — for children’s learning and development, for families’ well-being, for the economy and for communities optimal social outcomes. 

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Doug Ford has plunged colleges and universities into crisis with historic funding cuts — and no plan for their futures

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

… Ford’s Tories have been systematically freezing and defunding the higher education sector since taking power in 2018, leading to a cash crunch unlike anything in the past… The crisis in colleges and universities is undermining Ontario’s education reputation… It is perpetuating a hollowing out of higher education for Ontarians, while hosting unlimited enrolment for international students.

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Supreme Court sides with York University in copyright tariff dispute

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

If the Supreme Court had delivered a different judgment, it “would have been an absolute disaster” and would have forced universities to limit their use of fair dealing or risk retaliation from Access Copyright… that really scared a lot of people.” … The opportunity for postsecondary institutions to expand their use of fair dealing is the big takeaway from the legal dispute

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The Ford government can’t leave Ontario universities in this financial mess

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

Increased costs and reduced revenues due to COVID has left Ontario universities scrambling to fill a billion-dollar hole… The crisis at Laurentian is the most visible manifestation of a longstanding structural and funding crisis that has simply been exacerbated by the pandemic… this government has made things worse, not better, for universities and colleges. In 2019, it cut tuition by 10 per cent and then froze it for two years.

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Without investment, universities and colleges heading for a crisis

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

Some of the necessary changes to the funding model for post-secondary education could be met by redirecting the $900 million in unused federal funding from the failed Canada Student Service Grant program. The government could also repurpose the Canada Training Benefit to ensure that Canadians have more meaningful and timely access to educational opportunities.

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