Archive for the ‘Equality Policy Context’ Category

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The rich say boosting the capital gains tax will hurt productivity, but it’s just not true. Time to do a little myth-busting

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Most academic economists support a higher inclusion rate, partly because it levels the playing field between different types of capital income. But the best motivation is $20 billion in revenue it will raise over five years, to support modest new programs announced in this budget. This will help fund school lunches, affordable housing initiatives, dental care and disability benefits — while still respecting Freeland’s fiscal “guardrails.”

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Wealthy Canadians get huge tax breaks, even with budget changes to capital gains

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

The tax system is much tougher on working people, who make up the vast majority of Canadians, including almost everyone in the lower and middle class. Working people pay taxes on their full working incomes, with few exemptions, and their taxes are deducted before they even receive their paycheques. Then there are those who own capital — stocks, bonds and other property… “A buck is a buck is a buck.” The budget’s tax changes are a small but important step in that direction.

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Liberals tax the rich, but not enough to be considered populist

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

… in recent decades, business interests have strong-armed governments into redesigning the marketplace to favour their own interests, through tax and regulatory changes, and the rewriting of labour laws to disempower workers. These “neo-liberal” changes haven’t brought us the productivity gains that were promised, but they have made us a much less equal society… We need to reverse the “neo-liberal” policies that are responsible for such extreme inequality.

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Canada should support G20 plan to tax billionaires

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

In an unprecedented development, the G20 has announced it is exploring the idea of co-ordinating efforts to ensure the world’s billionaires pay annual taxes worth at least 2 per cent of their wealth… By co-operating, the world’s leading economies could curb the ability of the superrich to play countries off against each other, and incentivize nations to tax their own billionaires… It’s a plan Freeland should support, even enthusiastically champion.

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Why this court ruling is a human-rights victory for international students

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

By determining that unfair treatment based on permanent residency is a form of discrimination on the basis of citizenship, the Court of Appeal established human-rights protection for international students under the Code… international students should know that they are not alone in their fight against discrimination — and that “citizenship” may not be the insurmountable job-qualification criterion it used to be.

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Canada’s Gender Pandemic Response: Did it Measure Up?

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Canada introduced unprecedented relief measures in the early days of the pandemic to offset the huge losses resulting from necessary public health closures. Looking back, how did those measures stack up? Did they address the pandemic’s heavy toll on women and other marginalized communities? … The imperative now is to apply the lessons of COVID-19 in service of a more sustainable, resilient and gender-just future…

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Canadian CEO pay soars to a new all-time high due to inflation: report

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

They now make 243 times more than the average worker wage in Canada… While inflation hurts workers, it’s great for corporate profit that have hit historic highs. When profits go up, executive bonuses are driven way up… This report proposes four policy solutions for governments to address this rampant income inequality between the rich and the rest of us through taxation measures…

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It’s the 40th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but recent protests show a serious misunderstanding of what those mean

Friday, April 15th, 2022

On the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Charter, it is important to reflect on the rights Canadians share and, more importantly, understand that these rights entail responsibilities to each other.  Perhaps if misunderstandings about rights and freedoms were clarified, there would be a greater sense of unity.

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… here’s what you need to know about the $40B child welfare agreements

Thursday, January 6th, 2022

After the graves of children who died in Indian Residential Schools were found, countless Canadians stood in solidarity with Indigenous communities and demanded the government not repeat mistakes of the past…  public support will be needed more than ever to ensure that the spirit of the agreement is respected and translated into meaningful change for First Nations children.

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Ottawa releases early details of landmark $40B First Nations child welfare agreement

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

The non-binding agreement sets aside $20 billion for compensation and $20 billion for long-term reform of the on-reserve child welfare system…  The parties have until March 31 to finalize the agreement… The $20 billion dedicated to long-term reform of the child welfare system will be distributed over a period of five years… “Today is about a plan for the future, with First Nations defining and determining a path forward grounded in our rights and the common goal to have our children succeed,”

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