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This Labour Day, resolve to make life better for underpaid, undervalued ‘heroes’

Monday, September 7th, 2020

If the mantra of “build back better” means anything, we must revalue low-paid but essential work and tackle the scourge of precarious work, gig economy jobs and temp agencies that leave workers scrambling just to earn minimum wage. We need to legislate paid sick days for all workers… and dramatically expand affordable childcare so that women aren’t held back.

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Trudeau gets it wrong on Canada’s other health crisis

Monday, September 7th, 2020

Only Ottawa could take the big step of decriminalization and make addiction a health issue, not one for the justice system… it’s a political calculation on the part of the Liberals, who no doubt fear there are more votes to be lost than gained by taking that route… But if Trudeau truly wanted to follow the science, he would take a different approach to Canada’s other pandemic.

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Our recovery must be just and equitable for all

Monday, September 7th, 2020

… six principles for a just recovery: Put people’s health and well-being first, with no exceptions; Strengthen the social safety net and provide relief directly to people; Prioritize the needs of workers and communities; Build resilience to prevent future crises; Build solidarity and equity across communities, generations and borders; Uphold Indigenous rights and work in partnership with Indigenous peoples

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Canada needs a national income program for people with disabilities

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

With [CERB], imbalances and biases in income security decisions were starkly exposed. Governments clearly expected people with disabilities to live on disability income benefits (such as the Canada Pension Plan Disability and provincial social assistance) of an amount… of half or less than the $2,000 a month provided by the CERB… If anything, should those people not receive slightly more than their peers?

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Ontario and Ottawa keep failing on reforms to solitary confinement

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

The debilitating effects of solitary confinement on prisoners’ mental health are well known. There’s a reason the UN defines stints in solitary beyond 15 days as torture. It should be used only as a last resort and not, as it so often is, to put a troubled inmate out of sight and out of mind, or as a way to maintain security in the face of under-staffing or lack of appropriate mental health care inside institutions.

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Posted in Child & Family Delivery System | No Comments »

Trudeau’s using our moment of crisis to reinvent our economy. That’s exciting

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

The Liberals are not proposing radical change. Every advance they will propose is an expansion or acceleration of existing Canadian priorities and practices… The timing is right. Interest rates are at a historic low. The government’s cost of borrowing to pay for pandemic relief, a permanently stronger social safety net, and seed capital for tech-oriented startups with export potential is therefore manageable.

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Online classes will impoverish the university experience for students

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

Students come to university because they want to change: to become something or someone they are not yet. This transformation involves looking at the world in a new way and interacting with people who have a variety of world views and experiences. This is so much harder to accomplish virtually than face-to-face. Online education is effective for a small set of students: those who are highly motivated, mature, and who already possess considerable experience learning online. Most undergraduates do not fall into this category.

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Why Chrystia Freeland needs to reform the charitable sector

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

If we want to ensure transparency and accountability, then charities need to… reflect the diversity of Canada and the communities they serve… Other jurisdictions like Australia have modernized to enable charities to earn revenue from unrelated businesses as long as the revenue is applied to the organization’s charitable mission.

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Healing on the land for our people and our economy

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Investing in First Nations’ stewardship can help the country heal — from the pandemic, from the threat of climate change, from the loss of biodiversity and from the scars of colonialism… Guardians programs connected to Indigenous Protected and Conservation Areas stimulate additional investments and contributions to communities… Guardian-run wellness programs build resilience across generations.

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To follow in Freeland’s footsteps child care must be a national priority

Monday, August 24th, 2020

As Freeland is briefed on the competing economic interests across sectors, and considers the disproportionate impact on women, I hope she steers us toward unprecedented child care solutions. Her uniquely strong relationships with provincial leaders could help in co-ordinating the effort across jurisdictional lines… The trajectory of a generation of women’s lives and careers — and in turn, our country’s economic future — depends on it.

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