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The future of work in Ontario is at a crossroads. Will we ensure decent employment for all?

Monday, July 26th, 2021

The government has indicated the temporary wage enhancement for personal support workers will be made permanent, which is great news. It should also be expanded to include front-line housing, shelter and child-care staff — all of whom are inadequately compensated for their essential labour. Prioritizing investment in the non-profit sector — a feminized workforce that employs more than 800,000 women across Ontario — would also be a sensible policy decision

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The politics of math curriculum

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021

While mathematical theory is objective, teaching mathematics in our educational system and how it is experienced is complicated by layers of identity. This is true for mathematics, science, history, and all other curricular subjects.  Math has also been used to normalize racism and white supremacy, which undergird systemic inequities, including biased algorithms and the disproportionate educational streaming of Black and Indigenous students.

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Those who care about math education for all should focus on results, not rhetoric about colonialism

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

To the government’s credit, it took a big step in that direction vowing to end streaming in Grade 9 — making young teenagers choose between “academic” and “applied” tracks in high school. There are stacks of evidence that this has had a disproportionate impact on Black, Indigenous and poor students, limiting their opportunities for the future… The real test will be if the government follows through and makes sure the intent in that paragraph is translated into action and results.

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Appointment of new Governor General demonstrates the difference between symbols and tokenism

Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

The fact that we now have an Indigenous woman in the highest position in Canada, which before this week was inconceivable, suggests that Canadian society may be ready for change… We will no longer be window dressing, invited to functions as decorations to set the stage for the authority in the room. An Indigenous person will now be the authority in the room, representing Canada and all that we stand for to the never-ending stream of dignitaries and leaders.

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Why Canada’s COVID recovery needs to include international students

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

While these temporary, one-time initiatives certainly provide interim relief for international students… we need to consider more sustainable measures… Our governments should also provide additional funding to colleges and universities to make it easier for international students to access better institutional support. Decades of government cuts to post-secondary funding has arguably made these institutions far too reliant on international tuition fees.

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Evidence suggests there was no benefit to Ontario closing its schools

Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

By comparing the experience of Ontario with that of other provinces it is now clear that provinces that kept schools open longer had outcomes that were no worse and, in many cases, better… To this end, the government must solicit advice from a deeper bench of experts, from economics and other social science backgrounds, who can provide a more nuanced approach to the costs and benefits of keeping schools open.

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Doctors’ focus on ‘missing patients’ is just first step in leading the pandemic recovery

Sunday, July 4th, 2021

Through the OMA’s public survey, a series of round tables and consultations with other health-care providers and community leaders, doctors are developing a plan that will recommend the bold ideas necessary to take us through the recovery phase and well into the future. We encourage everyone to speak up. Have your say at www.betterhealthcare.ca, and help shape the future of health care with us.

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Releasing residential school records is a crucial step toward documenting Canada’s genocidal legacy — but the effort will face considerable challenges

Sunday, July 4th, 2021

Huronia housed children and youth with intellectual disability diagnoses, whose parents were pressured to give up custody. Like residential schools, Huronia was a site of poor living conditions and brutal mistreatment. Like Kamloops, St. Eugene’s and Marieval, Huronia’s on-site cemetery houses many unmarked graves. We have worked with institutional survivors to document Huronia’s legacy. Here are some lessons we learned along the way.

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For Canada’s immigration detainees with disabilities, even fewer rights are afforded

Sunday, July 4th, 2021

Canada should stop holding people with disabilities in immigration detention… Canada should redesign the role of designated representatives by requiring them to provide support for decision-making. This could mean providing information in a simple and easily understandable way, in order to enable immigration detainees to follow the process and directly participate.

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If Canada wants to be healthy and decent and prosperous and stable, it needs to face its demons

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

Every country is imperfect just as every person is imperfect. Facing the imperfections is what patriotism looks like, not turning away from them. The celebration and the confrontation must occur together to be meaningful… We must face them not because we hate Canada but because we love it. The honour of this country is at stake, and Canadian honour is worth fighting for. It is our duty to fight for it.

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