Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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It’s time for Canada to right historic wrongs against LGBTQ Community

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

It also high time for Justin Trudeau to right two historic wrongs. First, he should pardon thousands of gay men who were convicted of gross indecency before homosexual acts were decriminalized in 1969. Their only crime was being who they were… We apologize to remind each other of when we fell short in the past, so that we do not fall short in some other way going forward… With this new law protecting the rights of transgender people, Mr. Trudeau has advanced the cause of equality for Canada’s LGBTQ community.

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Posted in Equality History | 2 Comments »

Response to Tax Dodging by Rich Will Show Trudeau’s True Colours

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Better to have the justice department prosecute the small fish and cut deals with the wealthy. But this isn’t justice — it’s expediency. The CRA and the justice department have a moral obligation to the Canadian people to name and prosecute those who have grossly and arrogantly flouted the law… Regrettably, there is a distinct lack of public outrage at this disgusting display of privilege, contempt for the public interest and for the law.

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Court Challenges Program rises again

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

The… Harper government… saw the CCP as both outrageous, in the sort of cases it championed, and schizophrenic, in the way it subsidized activists to use unelected courts to overrule legislation created by elected representatives… Restarting this program will not only create another rush by leftists to push the social envelope as far as possible — though they have been doing just fine with Liberal governments and a left-leaning Supreme Court

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Abortion pill’s sexist regulations deny women true reproductive choice

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

Doctor-dispensed drugs are a rarity. This condition is usually imposed to ensure that a drug is taken and not trafficked… There is no evidence women who want to terminate a pregnancy would try to sell Mifegymiso on the streets. There is no reason it can’t be dispensed by pharmacists… [or] prescribed by nurse-practitioners or midwives, as it is in many countries… Safety is important, but so is access.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | 1 Comment »

Native child welfare, yes; judicial overstretch, no

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

… it is for the government’s budget to allocate spending, if the House of Commons approves it. That is a fundamental convention of the unwritten constitution, going back for many centuries… But last week, the CHRT said that the government hadn’t done enough to fulfill the tribunal’s remedial order. The CHRT is not a court, and its 15 members are not judges. They are appointed for fixed terms, and have a history of pushing and ever torquing the boundaries of human rights law.

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Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »

The price of acceptance: Immigrants with disabilities in a system of disadvantage

Friday, April 29th, 2016

Denying people with disabilities the right to live in Canada reinforces the stereotype that disability is a “burden,” a deficit within the individual, and an economic risk to Canada health and social services. To change this rhetoric, we need to examine the barriers around a person that prevent them from being included… When we view those who think or act “differently” as deficient, we lose the opportunity to discover new ways to address social and economic problems.

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Time for a new perspective on money, inflation and class struggle

Monday, April 25th, 2016

… the middle class was largely built on the back of trade union power, working-class struggle and an inflationary increase in labour compensation… To some extent, then, inflation reflects the democratic ability of working people to assert themselves in their fight for higher wages and equitable living standards. Anti-inflationary monetary policy, by contrast, can be seen as the use of state power to suppress the wage demands of workers.

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Guaranteed annual income is a second-best solution to inequality

Sunday, April 24th, 2016

… there are better ways to achieve this – for instance, by instituting a more progressive tax system and raising the minimum wage. Moreover, poverty reduction cannot be disassociated from the discussion over income inequality. We need to work at both ends of the income/wealth spectrum. But guaranteed annual income says nothing about tackling the more perverse elements of inequality… governments may no longer see direct job creation as a priority…

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You’re more conservative than you think

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

The Great White North is a much more economically mobile country than the U.S., which is increasingly an aristocratic society of fixed classes… If your father was in the top 10 per cent of U.S. earners, you’re likely to be rich yourself. But if your father was in the bottom 10 per cent. he’ll likely pass on his poverty to you. The American dream, the idea that it’s a country where everyone has an equal chance to get ahead, isn’t dead. It’s simply migrated to Canada.

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Close the wage gap between men and women

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

… women in Ontario still make only 70.6 cents for every dollar a man earns, for a gap of 29.4 per cent… no matter what women have done over the years to close the gap — whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder, getting more education, earning more experience or changing occupations — it has barely budged, according to a new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

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