Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Is incremental equality for First Nations Children compatible with reconciliation?

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

… the Canadian government is racially discriminating against 163,000 First Nations children and their families by providing flawed and inequitable child welfare services and failing to ensure equitable access to government services. When governments know better they should do better for kids, and this talk will discuss the history of the Canadian Government’s relationship with First Nations children and highlight the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling in the context of this value.

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Whiteness is a racial construct. It’s time to take it apart

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

Being white in Canada means a lower chance of developing cancer, hypertension and asthma. It also means being less likely to live in poverty… “White fragility,” … is the inability to cope with conversations about race that don’t protect individual white people’s sense of innocence… To hear an accusation of racism is to believe one’s basic morality is in question, which stirs up guilt and defensiveness, leading to anger and avoidance.

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Posted in Equality Debates | 5 Comments »

America’s Sorry State Is No Accident

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

America is a mess. The world’s sole superpower seems cleaved by race, income disparity and social divisions. Worse, a disturbing number of Americans subscribe to beliefs that are ill-informed, insane or just plain wrong… The only plausible explanation for such aberrant American public opinion is that people in the U.S. are exposed to a vastly different worldview. A misinformation campaign of a scale enormous enough to account for the enfeebled U.S. zeitgeist speaks to how much some special interests gain in investing in and promoting such systemic ignorance.

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Posted in Equality Policy Context | 1 Comment »

Federal government failing to comply with ruling on First Nations child welfare: tribunal

Friday, September 16th, 2016

The federal government has done virtually nothing to comply with a Human Rights Tribunal decision issued in January that ruled First Nations kids are discriminated against because of inadequate funding for child and welfare services… The quasi-judicial tribunal has now issued a second compliance order to force the government to take immediate action and rectify funding shortfalls

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When public prejudice can serve the greater good

Saturday, September 10th, 2016

Special exemptions and accommodations for religious believers, allowing them to do and teach things that are otherwise considered absurd and even harmful, have been a growing reality in Canadian life for a long time… some concessions to the religious aren’t benign or harmless. When spirituality infringes on the working of the legal, educational or medical systems, we have a problem – even if we don’t notice at first.

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Posted in Equality Debates | 1 Comment »

Indian status: Why are we still hanging on?

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

Gaining status or using status holds the federal government accountable for a history of neglect… It is a refusal to abdicate to the overbearing insistence among Canadians that our so-called special rights disappear. It is a small act of resistance, even if a potentially Pyrrhic one… First Nations… steadfastly refuse to disappear… Indian status remains important in 2016 and will endure for at least another generation yet.

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Apologies to homosexuals don’t reverse the harm. Deeds, however, do

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

As Truth and Reconciliation commissions around the world testify… groups whose predecessors were abused, receive such apologies seriously… The appropriate word might be “recognition” or “acknowledgment” officially, of a historic wrong. That we can and should do – credibly… For homosexuals today, we should eliminate bawdy house laws, inequities in age of consent, and expunge criminal records, to be sure. Deeds, not words.

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Six pervasive myths about Canada we must stop believing

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Myth #1: Canada is a post-racial nation… Myth #2: Canada is a post-colonial nation… Myth #3: Canada welcomes and protects its Muslim communities… Myth #4: Canada is a safe haven for immigrants and refugees… Myth #5: Canada safeguards the rights of LGBTQ communities… Myth #6: Canada isn’t complicit in global human rights abuse

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Economic equality must be part of indigenous reconciliation

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

Leaving economic equality out of any conversation on reconciliation risks wallpapering over deeper realities… The core of economic reconciliation is supporting indigenous communities, no matter how small, so that they have access to resources and opportunities to succeed… there are a number of overarching obstacles to economic growth that, if addressed, would unlock the potential of the fastest-growing segment of Canada’s population.

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Ottawa overhauls process for selecting Supreme Court justices

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

The Prime Minister said opening up the process helps reassure Canadians “that all members of the Supreme Court are both fully qualified and fully accountable to those they serve” across the country. “The appointment of a Supreme Court justice is one of the most important decisions a Prime Minister makes. It is time we made that decision together.” … The government will mandate the advisory board to support the goal of a gender-balanced Supreme Court that also reflects Canada’s diverse society.

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