Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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The trouble with billionaires masquerading as populists

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

… we’re told we live in a time of popular revolt against the “elites” and that Donald Trump just won the U.S. presidency because of his “populism.” … The real question is whether Trump and his crowd get to define and shape that anti-status quo sentiment… the two richest men in Canada — David Thomson and Galen Weston — now have as much wealth as the bottom 30 per cent of Canadians (11 million people).

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Tackling inequality begins with cracking down on tax havens

Monday, January 16th, 2017

… the debate is not about whether extreme inequality is a problem but rather about how to solve it… one concrete proposal, endorsed by the authors of the Oxfam report, is likely politically saleable and has the potential to provide some the resources needed to tackle inequality: a global crack-down on tax havens and tax cheats… The costs to Canada of tax avoidance and evasion are estimated to be in the many tens of billions of dollars every year.

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Finland’s social climbers: How they’re fighting inequality with education, and winning

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Canada can learn from Finland’s even more comprehensive approach to ensuring that the most deprived children get the same education as the most privileged; it’s not perfect, but it represents a different, and potentially valuable, approach… education systems keep appearing in studies of social mobility… compulsory-schooling laws have a huge effect: With each extra year of required schooling, the lifetime wealth of individuals increases by about 15 per cent.

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Women killed by their spouses are not casualties in someone else’s story

Saturday, January 7th, 2017

“Humanizing the (usually) male predators and murderers of women while the achievements and life stories of their victims are ignored only contributes to the epidemic of violence against women.”

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A decade of inaction on indigenous child welfare

Friday, January 6th, 2017

The federal government spent $500,000 defending itself against these tribunal complaints last year. It lost every time. This year, it ought simply to do as the tribunal said. Invest the money necessary to provide indigenous children equal access to essential services. And ensure the law that bears Jordan River Anderson’s name becomes a tool for justice and reconciliation, not yet another symbol of Canada’s shameful failure.

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Ottawa accused of failing to provide for indigenous children

Thursday, January 5th, 2017

Last January, 26, 2016, after a near nine-year legal fight, the [Canadian Human Rights Tribunal] ordered Canada to comply with Jordan’s Principle, which unanimously passed in Parliament in Dec. 2007… Canada was ordered… to stop discriminating against 163,000 indigenous children and grant them equal access to services. But two national indigenous organizations say Ottawa has failed to properly respond

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Big cities are much more unequal than Canada as a whole

Thursday, January 5th, 2017

… the bottom 95 per cent of Canadians received 74.9 per cent of all income in 2014, but this proportion was just 69.3 per cent in Toronto… Along with the poor, the squeezed urban middle class, especially the young, are increasingly unable to enjoy the benefits of big city life. These growing spatial inequalities will increasingly shape urban politics in the years to come.

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Canada ignores its own refugees [Indigenous people]

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

… unlike other refugees, they don’t get a basic income, a guaranteed safe roof over their head, support from groups to help them adjust, free food or business people paying their family’s way and giving them jobs over skilled Canadians. There is no help to start businesses. We don’t let them own houses or benefit economically from selling their resources, yet billion-dollar corporations can pillage these resources for off reserve benefit and profits.

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Addressing indigenous issues requires change at every level

Sunday, January 1st, 2017

… truth be told, we would not have made the progress that has been made without courts and tribunals insisting the Canadian constitution’s modest recognition of treaty and equality rights… Equality is expensive… stronger regional and tribal governments — and a determined willingness to work together. The Indian Act has divided First Nations, and this is hurting everyone, first and foremost indigenous people themselves.

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Why free-marketers should support a new tax on health and dental plans — on one condition

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

The solution is a “tax swap,” whereby the government ceases treating workplace health and dental insurance as non-taxable and in turn uses the resulting revenues to establish a new refundable tax credit to help defray the costs of buying private insurance. The new tax credit might involve a redesign of the existing Medical Expense Tax Credit and would be available to all Canadians, irrespective of their employment circumstances, including in the form of a cash transfer for low-income citizens who don’t pay income taxes.

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