Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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These unfair tax policies are putting a burden on women and seniors and need to be changed now

Friday, February 28th, 2020

Many of the policies are particularly harmful to older women because they hit those who are single/widowed and over the age of 65 — a group that contains a much higher percentage of women than men. As we head into a new decade, and in the spirit of eternal optimism, I am providing a list of four main offending policies in the hope that some political titans vow to fix them

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The federal government needs to tax our inheritances

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

We are demanding the federal government establish a progressive inheritance tax that hits the top 10 per cent of estates, increasing to a marginal rate of 55 per cent on estates over $7.5 million… We’re also calling for a wealth tax that hits the top 10 per cent of Canadians, increasing to a marginal rate of 10 per cent on each dollar of wealth over $20 million, exempting principal residences… These two policies affect only individuals in the top 10 per cent

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It’s time to rethink the social contract for our rapidly changing world

Monday, February 17th, 2020

… lifetimes are getting longer but… households are saving ever less to cover their retirement years … in 2017, more than… 41 per cent did not save for retirement; 20 per cent did not save at all; and 12 per cent do not have a six-month savings buffer… the labour market is changing in a way that some are being left behind, income polarization is only growing and it appears that every generation feels they are being denied access to the economic party.

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For both Alberta and Indigenous peoples, now is the winter of our disrespect

Friday, February 14th, 2020

… this isn’t about a mine any longer, or the environment, or the economy: it’s about respect… the closer you approach respect – reconciliation is another word – as an objective, in haste to atone for past sins, the faster it recedes. For without grievances, there is no leverage.

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Ottawa must tackle the tragic overrepresentation of Indigenous people in prisons

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Every conceivable measure we have to judge how a population is doing shows Canada is failing Indigenous peoples: child welfare, poverty, addictions and mental health, housing and clean water, education and employment, and incarceration… Indigenous inmates are disproportionately placed in maximum security and have been held longer in solitary confinement. They serve a higher proportion of their sentence behind bars before being granted parole, and are poorly prepared for their release back into the community.

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What’s the best vaccine against mental health? Reducing inequality.

Monday, January 27th, 2020 – Currents January 27, 2020.   Trish Hennessy This week our social media feeds will light up with Bell Let’s Talk encouragement to collectively work on de-stigmatizing mental health issues by talking about it. The more we talk about it, the more we de-stigmatize. The more we de-stigmatize it, the more we understand how […]

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Taxing the rich is but one tool for economic transformation

Friday, January 24th, 2020

Stakeholder capitalism and slight tax increases on the wealthy are, in effect, a glossy sales pitch to maintain the status quo, with slight concessions made to avoid bigger, more fundamental changes… Changes beyond tinkering will require more democratic control of the economy. For one, that means reversing the trend of privatizing of public services… New and bigger workers’ co-operatives and credit unions can also contribute to democratizing our economy.

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Here’s why men still get paid more than women

Sunday, January 19th, 2020

… older men and women are almost equally engaged in caregiving of some kind, but when it comes to working-age caregivers, women are spending more time than men helping those close to them, and handling far more of the tasks that are not compatible with work… The easy government policy responses to confront the wage gap have already been implemented, says Schirle, and the impact for many women is barely perceptible.

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Are Canadians ready to confront racism?

Tuesday, December 24th, 2019

Relatively few deny that racism is a reality in Canada. Many Canadians are ready to reflect seriously on how factors such as unconscious bias shape the day-to-day experiences of racialized Canadians. Many may also be prepared to confront systemic racism in public institutions, notably (but not solely) the police. But Canadians can do this while also celebrating the communities, families and friendships they’ve built.

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Murray Sinclair has tried for years to shock Canada into confronting colonialism. He’s not done yet

Tuesday, December 24th, 2019

Never trust the colonizer’s history… the system of control in Canada comprised more than just laws… The perfect crime is when you convince the victim that he’s at fault… Indigenous people for the longest time believed it was something wrong with us, that we were weak, we were poor and it was our poverty that caused our situation.”

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