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Inadequate disability supports make the message clear: Your government will help you die, but not live with dignity

Sunday, June 5th, 2022

The toxic combination of inadequate income supports and skyrocketing inflation means that people who rely on disability benefits can no longer afford to live. And some are choosing not to… Let’s ensure that Canadians with disabilities living in poverty are not forced to choose between paying the bills or applying for the right to die.

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Forget motives. The Trudeau government is getting it right on gun control

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

… it plans to introduce a national handgun “freeze” — not a ban — that will bar future sales, purchases, transfers and importation of handguns by anyone across the country… It would cap the number of handguns held legally by Canadians and prevent them from being sold or otherwise moved around. Over time it would reduce the number of legal guns that find their way into the illegal market and end up being used in crimes…

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Posted in Child & Family Policy Context | No Comments »

Workers didn’t cause this inflation. And they shouldn’t have to pay for it

Sunday, May 29th, 2022

So long as the actual causes of inflation are addressed (by fixing supply chains, energy prices, and housing), inflation would then decelerate, even as wages keep up. Contingent wage protections (like cost-of-living adjustments) would also maintain the purchasing value of wages, without prompting higher inflation. To the limited extent that domestic demand pressures are reinforcing higher prices, it is better to use more focused and fair contractionary measures to dampen spending.

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Ontario needs a government that will legislate health, not poverty

Sunday, May 29th, 2022

Low social assistance rates are not just legislated poverty — they are legislated destitution, and legislated poor health. Research has shown poor health is a direct consequence of living in poverty. These policy choices do not save us money — in fact, they provide people like us — legal aid lawyers and doctors — with a steady stream of business, paid for out of other pockets of the public purse. This election, none of the three major parties are offering enough to people living in deep poverty. 

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Posted in Health Debates | No Comments »

Profit and affordable housing don’t mix. Period

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

Canada has a long tradition of governments at all levels providing affordable housing. Absent a profit motive, they can, as they once did, provide decent homes at reasonable prices and rents… The profit motive has its place in our mixed economy. But it has failed us in the provision of affordable housing. Housing will not be a human right until we accompany that noble sentiment with an abundance of affordable shelter.

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If I were a car, I’d vote Conservative. But I’m not a car

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

Do we want a car society, or a caring society? … Yes, we need more hospitals and facilities to care for one another, but a bed without nursing staff is just a mattress.  Yes, we need more child-care facilities and smaller class sizes, but more spaces without trained caregivers is just a warehouse. We can deliver a strong recovery, for everyone. 

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Posted in Governance Debates | No Comments »

I’m a university student, and I support the return of Grade 13. Here’s why

Saturday, May 21st, 2022

A great portion of Grade 12 students feel completely lost, with no clue of what they want in a career, let alone university major… University is neither cheap nor easy — why rush into it if you’re not emotionally or financially ready? …extra time in high school to reflect on what you want would make a huge difference… What I’d like to know is what makes this new Grade 13 distinct from essentially repeating Grade 12 with a “victory lap.”

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Energy companies profits are through the roof. They should share the wealth

Wednesday, May 18th, 2022

… the government backstopped the financial sector through the pandemic with billions of tax dollars that kept incomes up and the banks’ customers solvent. They benefited from government support, and now it’s time to pay some back… The energy companies are in a similar situation… The government ought to tax away some of the enormous profits pouring into the energy companies and use that money to support those being hit hardest.

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It’s election time and Ontario still chooses not to eliminate poverty

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

During the campaign, Ontarians will hear a lot of about affordability, except those conversations will not focus on those who can afford the least… no matter who wins this election, people who need social assistance will find themselves in the same place they were in before the election, and the election before that. They will still be in deep, deep poverty. 

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Posted in Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

We can’t wait for a national pharmacare plan

Saturday, May 7th, 2022

… five separate commissions have called for a national pharmacare program…  nine in 10 Canadians support implementation of universal, public pharmacare now… Canadians and the health-care workers who serve them desire — and deserve — a health-care system that does not abandon patients the moment they receive a prescription. The time for commissions, studies and reports must be behind us.

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