Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Who pays when native children fall between the cracks?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

Yes, indigenous children must receive medical and social services equal to other Canadians. A tribunal can define those rights, but the precise details of where the money comes from, and where it goes, must largely be left to negotiations among Ottawa, the provinces and First Nations.

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Ottawa hasn’t earned trust on indigenous child welfare

Monday, March 20th, 2017

The government should do as it promised and, as the tribunal’s legally binding order demands, immediately close the funding gap… Ottawa’s slow response has been a persistent source of shame, particularly for a government that so often touts its lofty promises on indigenous issues… energy would be better spent protecting the health and safety of indigenous children than pushing back at the tribunal.

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Should police be required to collect race-based data to fight discrimination?

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

In the U.S., race data has proven instrumental in revealing problems of discriminatory policing. Some also point to the Star’s racial profiling investigations as providing the proof of concept that while race-based statistics can be misused to stigmatize vulnerable groups, they can also be a powerful tool to expose and destroy systemic racism.

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Why trolls love to pick on women

Saturday, March 18th, 2017

Are trolls just hardcore misogynists? Not quite. “They’re like schoolyard bullies. They seek out people they think are weaker than themselves. They’re looking for someone who’s more submissive and maybe they feel deserves to be degraded in some way. I think a lot of them have problems with women” … Troll behaviour is highly associated with what are known as the “dark” personality traits, which are also far more common in men.

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The High Price of Equality

Friday, March 17th, 2017

An expert in ancient history, Scheidel takes Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century and shows that its findings are applicable throughout human history (and prehistory)… he sees no way to achieve equality peacefully. Perhaps he’s right. It may be that the sure prospect of living a longer, healthier, happier life among equals isn’t good enough for those who want to be rich at any cost to others and themselves.

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Tribunal can’t enforce Indigenous child-welfare ruling, Ottawa says

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal does not have the power to ensure its rulings are followed or to dictate how public money is spent, the federal government has argued in response to accusations it has not met a tribunal demand to end the discriminatory underfunding of Indigenous child welfare… “the tribunal does not have the statutory authority to enforce its own orders.”

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Why Discrimination Is a Public Health Issue

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

… black and Indigenous children are more likely to be placed in foster care and remain in care longer. They are more likely to drop out of school. In Ontario, they are three times more likely to be incarcerated than non-blacks… The high mortality rate of black men and women is traumatizing and takes an emotional and psychological toll because we see our brothers, sisters and fathers in the victims. “The thing is that as a community, when one bleeds, we all do…”

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To close the gender wage gap, men must vocally support more equality

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

… wage equality not only benefits corporate growth, but also promotes global economic prosperity… We still haven’t shaken off the preconceived notion that gender equality is solely a woman’s issue fought by women for women, which in turn keeps breeding the problem. If men are not actively engaged in overcoming gender inequality, how can we ever achieve wage parity?

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Ontario government unveils 3-year plan to battle racism

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Queen’s Park will introduce a framework for collecting race-based data across various institutions, including in the justice, education, health and child welfare sectors — a move that anti-racism activists have long called for. The directorate will also introduce an action plan for black youth and new legislation to “ensure future sustainability and accountability of the government’s anti-racism work.”

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GENDER EQUALITY Who is minding the gap?

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Canada is higher than the OECD average in its gender pay gap, ranking as the seventh most unequal of 34 industrialized countries… Despite higher levels of education and more access to the work force, “ women’s efforts to build a better life are hampered by the unequal distribution of unpaid work, the gender barriers to many fields of work, the undervaluing of jobs held predominantly by women, and the often unspoken social norms that offer men higher wages and rates of promotion from the moment they enter the work force”… pay gaps are even greater for racialized and Indigenous women.

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