Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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With Philpott at the helm, Ottawa (finally) takes action on Indigenous issues

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

One of Dr. Philpott’s most welcome actions is to finally get Ottawa to comply with a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling related to Jordan’s Principle… Health Canada has approved more than 29,000 requests in recent months, most for children with disabilities and mental-health issues… the boldest shift of all has been in funding… First Nations with good financial records will now get guaranteed 10-year funding, fully indexed, and with little paperwork. Rather than be wards of the state, we will see the emergence of more autonomous First Nations.

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A memo to Canada: Indigenous people are not your incompetent children

Sunday, January 7th, 2018

Although Indian Affairs has had to report to numerous people and departments throughout its history, it certainly has never had to report to Indigenous people. That lack of accountability and responsibility has continued for more than 150 years, unchecked… Canada agreed to include Section 35 in the Constitution, legally enshrining recognition and affirmation of Indigenous rights. Although… There have been no moves to change the Indian Act in a way that reflects the Indigenous right to both self-government and self-determination

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Posted in Equality History | 1 Comment »

Biting cold exposes deeper rot in Toronto’s attitudes to poverty

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

… fixing short-term inadequacies will have to be paired with a more sweeping strategy involving all three levels of government to improve income security, strengthen mental health, addiction, and overdose prevention services, and make affordable housing the national priority it used to be. None of these things can or will happen until we acknowledge that the austerity consensus in public policy has been a failure; that real efficiency means actually meeting human needs rather than perpetually looking for and inventing new ways to cut public spending

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It’s 2018 and time for tax reform focused on fairness

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

Mr. Trudeau, will you commit in the next budget to tackling unfair tax rules, specifically through eliminating the preferential treatment of stock options and increasing the inclusion rate for capital gains for CEOs? In short, will you commit to bringing some fairness back into the tax treatment of top business executives, billionaire investors and the wealthiest in Canada? It’s time to put an end to the special set of rules that exclusively benefit the affluent and well-connected.

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Women won’t be silenced in 2018

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

… sexual assaults and harassment of women would not be so common in the workplace if more women occupied positions of power… the dial on women’s participation on boards of directors, never mind in executive positions, has barely budged. It’s at 21 per cent in Canada, and 20 per cent in the U.S. The same holds true in politics… The percentage of women in the U.S. Congress sits at 20 per cent. It’s 24 per cent in the House of Commons.

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Posted in Equality Debates | 1 Comment »

The high cost of Canada’s increasing wealth inequality

Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

More than 61 per cent of the rise in total household net assets since 2005 is related to real estate… given that real estate has played such a major role in wealth accumulation, policies that make housing more affordable through expanding supply warrant special consideration. Another approach to reducing the wealth gap is increasing financial literacy, since people with greater financial knowledge are more likely to make better decisions with their money.

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Ottawa pushes venture capitalists to fix startup gender gap as condition of $400-million funding

Monday, December 18th, 2017

Ottawa is pushing venture capitalists to help fix the gender gap in the Canadian startup scene, telling those who want to qualify for a $400-million funding program they must “demonstrate how their strategies would advance these objectives.” … “We are sending an important signal we believe that … diversity is important and that in itself can lead to better returns,”Ottawa pushes venture capitalists to fix startup gender gap as condition of $400-million funding

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The talk Canada needs: Are we importing inequality?

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

How did middle-class Peel suddenly become poor? … At the centre of Peel is Brampton, which is growing at three times the rate of Canada. Brampton, now the ninth-largest city in Canada, is a magnet for new immigrants… Many people will argue that low income among immigrants is due to discrimination against newcomers and fraying social safety nets. But it is also due to insufficient language skills, poorer credentials (even if they seem good on paper), and the lack of social networks and local knowledge of a culture that take years to establish.

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Trudeau targets income inequality in Canadian Confederation speech

Friday, November 24th, 2017

Trudeau said Ottawa has committed nearly $1-billion to investigate offshore tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance, an investment he said is paying off in recouped tax revenues and penalties. “There are people in Canada who are so wealthy that not only do they think they don’t need to pay their fair share of taxes, they’re forcing us to spend a billion dollars to go after them just so they’ll do the right thing and pay what they owe”

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Paving way for more women in workforce would boost economic growth, report says

Friday, November 17th, 2017

… the burden of unpaid care work, gender discrimination and violence, a lack of legal protection and reduced access to financial services… Removing those barriers could boost OECD growth by between 6 per cent and 20 per cent… “It’s about the sheer scope for growth — 6 per cent is what we arrived at for advanced economies; for emerging market countries it’s even higher… So why aren’t we going for it?”

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