Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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The deterioration of data is robbing marginalized communities of their voice

Friday, February 8th, 2019

Even as policing agencies across the country tout the value of street checks as a tool for preventing and solving crime, data on their efficacy have typically not been studied nor reviewed by independently operated and funded oversight agencies… Canada’s data deficiencies are not merely problems of public policy: They reflect an unacceptable level of neglect that’s become an obstacle to our ability to advocate for ourselves.

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How Canada’s racial data gaps can be hazardous to your health

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

Little of this potentially life-saving information is available in Canada, which leads to a dearth of knowledge about who is most at risk. From health care to education to the justice system and the work force, Canada has long been reluctant to collect or publish data based on race and ethnicity… the United Nations has repeatedly rebuked Canada for its lack of data on the ethnic composition of its population. And an increasing number of people − from academics to community organizations – are pushing to close the gap.

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America’s rich are facing a reckoning. It’s about time

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

A new Politico/Morning Consult poll released this week, as well as a recent Fox News poll, showed overwhelming support for more taxes on the wealthy. Even among Republicans, a majority are in favour of making the rich pay a greater share… They want to replace the neo-liberalism of the post-1980s with an economic paradigm which redistributes downward instead of up. It’s a tall order. Making the coddled class pay a larger share is necessary start.

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It’s ideology vs. science in psychology’s war on boys and men

Friday, February 1st, 2019

What kind of families produce violent young men? Fatherless families… If it is fatherless boys who are violent, how can it be that masculine socialization produces harm both to mental health and society? … The document produced by the APA purporting to provide guidelines for the psychological treatment of boys and men is disingenuous, scientifically fraudulent and ethically reprehensible.

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Voters didn’t give the Ford government a mandate to cut education funding

Monday, January 28th, 2019

If every student with a learning or behavioural challenge, for example, had the supports they needed to succeed and not disrupt the overall learning environment, then adding another couple students to a classroom might not matter at all. Indeed, it might even be a good trade-off… this government doesn’t have a mandate to make cuts to education. Indeed, it has no real mandate to make substantial cuts to any government service or program because that is expressly what Premier Doug Ford promised he would not do.

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People with mental illness don’t need more talk

Monday, January 28th, 2019

It does no good to raise awareness if you have an underfunded mobile crisis team that only has the capacity to go out on calls for 12 hours a day, or if patients wait months for assessment, or if you can’t provide stable, supportive housing for those who need it so they can recover and carry on with happy and productive lives. Let’s talk about that.

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First Nations to have more control over on-reserve education as Ottawa looks to close funding gap

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

The new approach, which will take effect April 1, will not see Ottawa spend any additional money over what has previously been committed. The government says the gap core funding between the funding for provincially run schools and reserve schools has already closed in some provinces, is not far apart in others, and will cease to exist entirely over the next two years as a result of the investments that have already been committed in previous budgets. It also recognizes that there are additional gaps in needs that will be addressed separately.

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For Indigenous kids’ welfare, our government knows better; it just needs to do better

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

The over-representation of First Nations children in care is a problem with a solution. There have been numerous reports over the years calling for the same things… Unless the public puts pressure on provincial, territorial and federal governments, the good solutions on the books will not be implemented. We must tell our politicians: literally thousands of children need our help.

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This is why conflicts with First Nations often seem insoluble

Saturday, January 12th, 2019

There is no overriding governing body to render final decisions when needed, or a judicial system able to issue judgments all parties are compelled to obey. Although Canadian courts make rulings on First Nations questions, it’s a toss-up as to whether they can be enforced. In instance after instance we have seen judges issue orders, only to have them ignored by bands who maintain they’re not bound by “settler” or “colonial” law. The majority does not necessarily rule; a small but determined portion of a larger community can stymie the will of the others.

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Here’s what happens when the gender-gap index is adjusted for bias

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

The researchers propose a truly gender-neutral set of metrics for calculating equality scores, named the Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI). BIGI focuses on three factors: educational opportunities (literacy, years of primary and secondary education), healthy life expectancy (years expected to live in good health), and overall life satisfaction which, taken together, are the “minimum ingredients of a good life.” These metrics can be applied anywhere, regardless of income level, cultural paradigm or national economic development tier.

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