Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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It’s time for federal leaders to focus on inequality

Monday, October 14th, 2019

… there’s a real problem when the benefits of wealth and opportunity are not shared by everyone…. while unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades, the jobs are increasingly not very good ones… When the federal parties talk about jobs on the campaign trail, it needs to be a conversation about good jobs. When they talk about making life more affordable, they should be clear about who they’re talking about and how they’ll deliver. The Vital Signs report is a depressing but timely reminder that income and wealth are highly co-related with race, where people were born, and where they live now.

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A primer on Indigenous issues and the pledges in this election

Monday, October 14th, 2019

Indigeneity is intrinsically linked to the environment, and vice versa… One of the issues at the forefront of Indigenous health and wellness and the all-too-frequent inequities in care is the lack of clean, safe drinking water in many communities… Mental health is also a major issue: the suicide rate among Indigenous youth is five to seven times higher than among non-Indigenous youth… Indigenous children are still falling through jurisdictional cracks, and… equitable care should involve [Jordan’s] principle being expanded to family services, education and even the justice system.

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There are more doctors that are women, but gender equity remains elusive

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

… until we better support women in their roles as mothers and physicians, gender equality in medicine will remain elusive and too much of the money and effort we put into training doctors will be lost because we refuse to acknowledge that medicine is no longer a boy’s club.

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Liberals prove they don’t value Indigenous kids as much as other children

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Government spokespersons say they simply want more time to discuss how best to deal with compensation to victims and restorative justice for discrimination against First Nations children and families… But they didn’t ask. Instead, they went into court and filed arguments that said no compensation whatsoever should be paid.

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Blackface and an about-face: How Canada’s promise of reconciliation went wrong

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

While the tribunal’s initial nine orders focused on trying to stop Canada’s discrimination, the September 2019 order was intended to compensate the children and families who were harmed by the discrimination and would not benefit from new reforms. It was a small measure of justice for lost childhoods.

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Where is the big idea in this election?

Monday, October 7th, 2019

… what would happen if our parties were focused not just on giving things to the middle class, but instead giving something for the middle class to believe in? Some say national pharmacare is just that: a vision for a changed society in which no Canadian goes without the medication she or he needs.

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Justice at last for Caledonia man arrested for carrying a Canadian flag

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Among a police officer’s many tasks are preserving the peace, preventing crime and protecting life and liberty, the judge said. But while the execution of these duties sometimes means police have to interfere with the liberty of individuals, “…a free and democratic society cannot tolerate interference with the rights of law-abiding people as a measure of first resort.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | 1 Comment »

A Brief History of Canada’s Failure to Fund Indigenous Kids Equitably

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Bill C-92, which cedes Indigenous child welfare control back to Indigenous communities, is now law, which should change Indigenous child apprehension rates. But so far there’s no federal funding for implementation… While government after government pays lip service to doing better, millions on legal fees to avoid fulfilling obligations tell another story.

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There’s something more threatening than Trudeau’s blackface

Monday, September 30th, 2019

Bill 21 in Quebec… restricts what job you can have based on your faith… There are those who say that this is about religious neutrality. Make no mistake. It is not. This is a law that targets three groups of people: Muslim women who cover their heads, baptized Sikhs and Jewish men who wear a yarmulke… What this ban says is that people of certain faiths, and only these faiths, can’t be trusted to do their jobs.

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Canada’s top 1 per cent saw fastest income acceleration, overall decrease in taxes

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

The incomes of Canada’s top one per cent grew at a faster pace than everyone else in 2017 — and, overall, they saw their taxes edge down, says a new study… In 2016, the Liberal government increased the tax rate on income in the highest bracket. But the Statistics Canada report says that, even with the boost, taxes declined for those with the highest incomes because of reductions at the provincial level…

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