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We must go back and fetch our forgotten Black history

Friday, July 31st, 2020

Canada’s strategically crafted narrative has created a framework within which racial inequities have simultaneously been upheld and delegitimized through the erasure of Black experiences. It’s actually quite ingenious. If we can’t identify the roots of our systems of oppression, we will never dismantle them. If we don’t recognize the whole of our history, we will never learn from it.

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Inequality means we’re not all in this together

Thursday, July 30th, 2020

The pandemic showed us that challenging the status quo is essential in tackling the inequalities we see today across Canada. Certain policies and interventions implemented at different scales across North America have proven both feasible and practical… They should not disappear after the pandemic subsides. There is nothing radical about housing the homeless, preventing drug overdoses, feeding the hungry, increasing minimum wages, or reducing prison populations. These measures are urgently needed and are simply humane. They should be our “new normal” in Canada moving forward.

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Home care is key to improving care for all seniors

Thursday, July 30th, 2020

Ontario’s home care system delivers more care to seniors than any other part of the health care system, which is why publicly funded home care workers must be supported in the same way as long-term care workers… to reduce the number of non-essential visits to hospitals that can overwhelm our health system… To stabilize the entire health system, home care workers must be paid at parity with those in long-term care.

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Posted in Child & Family Delivery System | No Comments »

After court ruling, Ottawa should suspend refugee agreement with U.S.

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Canada can no longer outsource decisions on who deserves asylum to an American system that is far from safe… “the accounts of the detainees (in the U.S.) demonstrate both physical and psychological suffering because of detention, and a real risk that they will not be able to assert asylum claims.” … as the Safe Third Country Agreement… applies only at official ports of entry, many thousands of would-be refugees crossed on foot at other points, flooding Canada’s refugee system.

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Posted in Inclusion Delivery System | No Comments »

We can’t let COVID-19 destroy economic gains for women

Saturday, July 25th, 2020

To ease the load on women, governments need to find a way to get schools back full-time as soon as possible… Second, for women to participate fully in the workforce, affordable, quality childcare, under new safety protocols, is essential… $2.5 billion is required to meet the need. In an era of crisis, when money has seemed to be no object, it would be dollars well spent.

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How Doug Ford failed our long-term care system

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

… the numbers 9 and 34 are cited as how many long-term-care beds were created in Ontario during Doug Ford’s first 18 months as premier… 35 is the number of in-depth reports over the past 20 years recommending ways to improve Ontario’s beleaguered long-term care system… And the number 38,400 is how many Ontario residents are on waiting lists right now for a bed in a long-term care facility… there can be “no excuse for a government not intervening actively, systematically, rigorously” to improve the sector.

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A new social contract requires new programs and higher taxation

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

We devote a relatively low share of GDP to social expenditure: Canada spends 17.3 per cent, whereas the 10-country comparator group spent on average 25.5 per cent… Canada has a low-social-expenditure/low-tax social contract. So, there is lots of room to raise taxes to get better services… Let us ensure that this truth is part of the conversation as we write a new social contract.

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We need to strengthen publicly funded homecare in time for winter

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

High-quality homecare can help people transition more quickly and smoothly from hospital to home. It can help avoid potential readmissions but also reduce the number of admissions in the first place, keeping our hospital capacity open for potential COVID-19 cases. Better publicly funded homecare can also delay or avoid a transition to long-term care.

Posted in Child & Family Policy Context | No Comments »

Decriminalization of drugs in Canada demands bold leadership — now

Thursday, July 16th, 2020

… the most compelling case for ending the war on drugs, which is really a war on people, who are often the most marginalized and disproportionately Black and Indigenous. Add to this the overwhelming scientific evidence of the many harms arising from the criminalization of simple possession, the long-standing recommendations from many public health and harm reduction experts, the unanimous recommendation of UN agencies, and now the agreement of police chiefs across the country…

Posted in Governance Debates | No Comments »

Why Doug Ford’s to blame for health-care mess

Thursday, July 16th, 2020

Health experts from such groups as the Ontario Health Coalition, Ontario Nurses Association and the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario constantly monitor what Ford is doing — and what they find is ugly. Here are a few of the measures Ford has imposed over the past year that negatively impact health care:

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