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Mental health and prison: a tragic cycle that repeats itself

Saturday, September 16th, 2023

… when offenders are released, they often return to the same circumstances — homelessness, unemployment, drug use, lack of mental health care — that led to their offending in the first place.
Post-release treatment must therefore be just one part of a more comprehensive community effort, one that attends to the health, housing and employment needs of offenders.

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Pierre Poilievre: Same old guy, same old policies

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Despite all the hype about his image makeover and how he’s a changed man… he continues to fuel the rage and hate that resides in many of his hard-line followers who despise Trudeau, the federal government and, in many cases, anything that they believe restricts their “freedom.” … his lack of policy specifics to date on key issues facing Canada is stunning.

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Investing in university infrastructure is an investment in the future

Thursday, August 31st, 2023

… with flat tuition revenue in Ontario, universities have dwindling funds to launch large capital projects, even in partnership with private corporations or donors, as these partnerships often require the institution to come to the table with matching funds… An investment in the infrastructure of our universities is an investment in our communities and the future prosperity and well-being of all Canadians. We cannot afford to defer this any longer.

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The answer is clear: we can’t afford privatized health care

Thursday, August 24th, 2023

… lots of other countries have a blended system. In fact, so does Canada. But when we look deeper, we see that we spend less on our public health system — and more out-of-pocket and privately than most of our peers. As a share of all health spending, Canada allocates 75 per cent as public investment. How does that compare? Canada is a standout Scrooge.

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Canada has in fact achieved universal drug insurance coverage

Saturday, August 12th, 2023

People in the lowest income deciles are eligible for public safety-net coverage at zero or very low costs. People in the highest income deciles are covered when prescription drug costs exceed 3 per cent to 7 per cent of family income, depending on the jurisdiction. Typically, private drug plans use deductibles and copayments and end up insuring about 80 per cent of prescription costs.

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COVID-19 response should highlight what went right in Canada

Thursday, August 10th, 2023

TheStar.com – Opinion/ Contributors August 10, 2023.   By Kwame McKenzie, Contributor I am concerned that while we focus on relitigating the past we will allow useful, effective pandemic innovations to wither and die. Over 53,000 people have died from COVID-19 in Canada, with more every day. It has been a traumatic time and we have just […]

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Canadians deserve better than fake Pharmacare

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

A single-payer system can use its bargaining power to negotiate better prices and reduce costs… A fill-the-gaps approach is a short-sighted Band-Aid on a system that is bleeding out. It may appear to have lower upfront costs by only covering those who are uninsured, but it is less efficient when factoring in the administrative costs of verifying eligibility… A single-payer approach to Pharmacare is fair for all.

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97 per cent of Canadians have drug coverage and other lies drug manufactures are pushing

Monday, July 31st, 2023

In reality, millions of Canadians are uninsured for the medicines they need… Those lucky enough to have coverage often still face sizable deductibles and copayments… one in 10 Canadians skips prescriptions because of out-of-pocket costs. This makes patients sicker and generates at least $1 billion annually in preventable demand for medical and hospital care…  it is high-cost medicines that are putting workplace health benefits at risk.

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Ontario’s solution to the health care crisis is to hire nurses through agencies — and the cost has now quadrupled

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

What was bad last year is worse this year. That’s because there’s still no plan to tackle the root causes of burnout and turnover. Hospitals are still so short-staffed, nurses are simply thrown at the labour crisis of the day, some not even able to take pre-scheduled vacations, know when or how long they are going to work on any given day, or what kind of work they will be asked to do. Shift the lens to child care, long-term care and other forms of health care, and the same story emerges.

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Posted in Health Delivery System | No Comments »

How Toronto — and Canada’s — immigration landscape shifted because of one program

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Provincial Nominee Program has diverted economic immigrants from Ontario, B.C. and Quebec to smaller provinces among other changes… first rolled out in Manitoba in 1998 and later expanded to the rest of the country… [Since PNP] applicants are selected specifically for their increased likelihood of participating in the labour force and establishing themselves economically, an increase in their share likely improved the collective economic outcomes of recent economic immigrants.”

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