
Ontario Introduces New Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

… we worked with a wide spectrum of stakeholders to establish a comprehensive $307 million Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy,” said Solicitor General Sylvia Jones. “These legislative changes, if passed, will reinforce the strategy’s key objectives of supporting survivors, protecting children and youth, raising awareness among parents and community partners as well as dismantling criminal networks.”

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Ontario Providing Additional Financial Support for Young Learners

Friday, December 4th, 2020

News.Ontario.ca – News Release November 30, 2020.  Office of the Premier Starting today families can apply for the funding online VAUGHAN — The Ontario government is again providing financial relief for families facing new education-related expenses in the COVID-19 era with support totalling $380 million. Starting today, parents or guardians residing in Ontario can complete a […]

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Ontario Making Adoption Process Easier for Families

Friday, December 4th, 2020

The funding will help bring more prospective adoptive parents, children and youth together permanently through the development of a centralized intake service and expansion of online matching. It will also provide additional supports and training for families post-adoption. “It is clear that children and youth who are placed in homes through adoption do significantly better than if they stay in group homes,” said Jill Dunlop, Associate Minister of Children and Women’s Issues.

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Ontario Modernizing Application Process for Social Assistance

Friday, December 4th, 2020

The Ontario government is launching a new, easy to use, online application and streamlined process to apply for social assistance, providing critical financial supports to those affected by COVID-19… The centralized intake process will process applications more quickly and reduce time-consuming paperwork for caseworkers, giving them more time to support their clients and help them get back to work.

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Ontario Eliminating the Practice of Birth Alerts

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

Birth alerts are notifications sent by children’s aid societies to hospitals when they believe a newborn may be in need of protection… It has been reported the practice of birth alerts disproportionately affects racialized and marginalized mothers and families. Expectant mothers can be deterred from seeking prenatal care or parenting supports while pregnant due to fears of having a birth alert issued.

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Ontario Provides Additional Funding to Support Municipalities and Urban Indigenous Community Partners

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Municipalities and urban Indigenous community partners will be able to use this funding for long-term, innovative housing solutions resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. They can renovate shelters or purchase new facilities that will help with physical distancing in the short term and support longer-term, more sustainable solutions to homelessness… to provide vulnerable people with food, shelter and supplies.

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Ontario Delivers Action Plan to Increase Protection for Vulnerable People and Those Who Care for Them

Friday, April 24th, 2020

“The action plan we are delivering today lays out a set of interventions, tailored by sector, to enable prevention and infection control, while maintaining service continuity for the benefit of our vulnerable clients and staff… “The COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People focuses on three specific areas: Enhanced Screening and Reduced Exposure to Prevent Spread… Infection Control: Managing Outbreaks and Limiting Spread… Sustaining Staffing and Managing Staff Shortages

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Ontario Increases Support for Indigenous Postsecondary Education

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Ontario is… investing in Indigenous students and their potential with increased funding to Indigenous Institutes to provide postsecondary education and training for hundreds of learners… “Indigenous Institutes are a critical part of our public education system because they provide a culturally holistic learning environment that prepares learners for success in the workforce… “Indigenous Institutes play a significant role in serving the learners, communities and regional areas in which they operate”

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Giving Ontario Communities a Greater Voice in Government Decision Making

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Included in Mr. Jivani’s mandate is increasing community safety by combating issues such as guns and gangs, human trafficking and racism, and making real and tangible progress to improve outcomes in areas such as: education, community services, income support, and access to housing. This work will help to inform the design or redesign of programs and services and identify actions the government can take to improve people’s lives.

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Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine Releases First Report

Friday, February 1st, 2019

Hallway Health Care: A System Under Strain identifies three key findings: Difficulty navigating the health care system and long wait times… The system… does not have the appropriate mix of services, beds or digital tools to be ready for the expected increase in complex care needs. More effective coordination at the system level and at the point-of-care would make the system more efficient

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