Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development

Friday, June 21st, 2013

The 13 years since the millennium have seen the fastest reduction in poverty in human history… But… fell short by not integrating the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development as envisaged in the Millennium Declaration, and by not addressing the need to promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production… environment and development were never properly brought together… inequality remains and opportunity is not open to all.

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Aboriginal people still unequal

Friday, June 21st, 2013

A new report compiled by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)… shows Canada’s aboriginal people: have lower median after-tax income; are more likely to collect employment insurance and social assistance; are more likely to experience physical, emotional or sexual abuse; are more likely to be victims of violent crimes; and are more likely to be incarcerated and less likely to be granted parole.

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Ontario Court of Appeal message on native justice must force change

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Studies and reports repeatedly cite the lack of aboriginals on juries when native people are on trial, even if their fate is supposed to be decided by a fair representation of society… a decision by the Ontario Court of Appeal may finally have the power to create a fairer judicial process for aboriginal people… the court’s split decision quashed a 2008 manslaughter conviction… It will be up to a second jury — which is supposed to include on-reserve aboriginals…

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Don’t ignore the real issue on prostitution

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Swedish legislators started from the premise that prostitution is only and ever a form of sexual violence and exploitation of vulnerable women, men and children. Rather than try to manage or control prostitution, they determined to abolish it, establishing legal and social measures that take aim at the roots of sexual exploitation… Targeting the demand has been demonstrated to be the most effective means of reducing rates of prostitution and sex trafficking.

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Human Rights Clause in EU Pact Gives Harper Gov’t Pause

Monday, June 10th, 2013

… the Conservatives have been willing to undercut municipalities’ right to “buy local,” grant foreign investors special rights to sue governments and significantly increase drug costs, but they are drawing the line on human rights commitments… the sticking point is a clause giving either side the ability to suspend CETA if the other engages in serious human rights violations… The government’s position on CETA seems to be that… nominal human rights commitments are cumbersome or even a threat.

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Wealthier heart-attack victims more likely to live long, new study says

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

That poverty correlates with higher rates of disease and mortality has been known for decades. More and more, however, scientists focusing on the relationship between socioeconomic status and health are arriving at the same conclusion: Wealth equals health regardless of access to care. Risk for any number of ailments, from mental illness to infant mortality to asthma, falls with every rung on the socioeconomic ladder a person climbs.

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Study of Income Inequality in Canada—What Can Be Done

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan was among the witnesses who testified to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance as part of the committee’s ongoing study of income inequality. Armine discusses income inequality—giving us cause to consider what inaction could mean—and shares some recommendations on how the federal government can play an important role in offsetting growing income inequality and the problems it unleashes.

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World’s Richest Eight Per Cent Earn Half of All Income

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

… their economic clout is about equal to that of all of the remaining 99 per cent of the world’s population… “The top one per cent has seen its real income rise by more than 60 per cent over those two decades [1988-2008],” while “the poorest five per cent” have received incomes which “have remained the same” — the desperately poor are simply remaining desperately poor.

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Prosperous, self-reliant First Nations are in everyone’s interest

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

First Nations are disproportionately affected by economic, social and health issues that extend far beyond the simple answers of responsible fiscal management and federal transfer payments… Aboriginal communities benefiting from self-directed economic development see reduced mortality, infectious and chronic disease, fewer mental health issues and less substance abuse… They require lower levels of tax-funded support.

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‘We can and should raise this lucky elite’s taxes’

Friday, May 31st, 2013

… there are “studies” from think tanks funded by the wealthy claiming that imposing high taxes on the wealthy is a terrible thing. The overwhelming evidence from history, however, is that high tax rates on the wealthy, even rates far above current levels, are consistent with robust economic growth… What would raising tax rates at the top accomplish? It would, to some extent, mitigate the rise in inequality… Mainly, however, the benefit of higher tax rates on the wealthy would simply be that it would raise more revenue.

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