Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Kathleen Wynne announces pay raise for early childhood educators

Monday, January 19th, 2015

… early childhood educators working at licensed centres are getting a $1-an-hour increase this month and another dollar hike next year… Only workers making less than $26.27 an hour will be eligible for the bump up. The budget set aside $269 million in funding over three years. “Closing the wage gap means that licensed child care operators can hire and keep the best early childhood educators possible.

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Real change for aboriginal women begins with the end of prostitution

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

On Dec. 6, 2014, Canada’s new prostitution legislation came into effect. Prostitution survivors, aboriginal women’s groups, anti-violence workers, and equality rights advocates and scholars celebrated the decision to criminalize johns, pimps, and third-party advertising for sexual services, and to decriminalize prostituted women in most circumstances… While not quite yet the “Nordic Model” of prostitution policy, we are beginning to move in the direction of equality for all women by working to abolish prostitution.

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Jack up tax rate for privileged elite

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Is it right that Canada’s tax system, which is steeply progressive for those earning $11,138 to $136,270, suddenly turns flat at the top?… Two new tax brackets — the C.D. Howe Institute suggests a 32 per cent rate for those with incomes over $250,000 and a 35 per cent rate at the $400,000 mark — won’t fix Canada’s impenetrable, loophole-ridden, 2,650-page Income Tax Act. But correcting its most egregious shortcoming would be a useful start.

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Twin Peaks Planet

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

… the wealthy exert a vastly disproportionate effect on policy. And elite priorities — obsessive concern with budget deficits, with the supposed need to slash social programs — have done a lot to deepen the valley of despond. So who speaks for those left behind in this twin-peaked world? … The problem with… conventional leaders… is that they’re afraid to challenge elite priorities, in particular the obsession with budget deficits, for fear of being considered irresponsible.

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Good news on the reserve [policing]

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Compared to non-aboriginals the overall crime rate of aboriginals is 3.8 times higher, violent crime 5.8 times higher, assault 7 times higher, sexual assault 5.4 times higher, and drug trafficking 3.8 times higher… FNAs [First Nations Authorities] can be viewed as a particularly successful model for aboriginal communities. Good examples include the Six Nations Police Service and Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service in Ontario.

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Canada needs a new partnership with indigenous peoples

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

We want to forge a new partnership. To be partners in an idea — that a better Canada is in reach. To be partners in a belief — that notwithstanding the deplorable inequity that continues in this country that, with goodwill and trust, progress is still possible. To be partners in a commitment — one that honours aboriginal treaties and rights and is dedicated to reconciliation. And to be partners in a dream — where indigenous people… share in the bounty of this magnificent country and where their collective contributions are recognized, valued and celebrated.

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Canadian criminal justice meets ghost of Christmas past

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Some Scandinavian countries have addressed the problem of poverty and criminal fines by using a system of “day fines,” according to which the amount of the fine is adjusted to how many days’ income it would represent for the criminal. This introduces a measure of equal justice into a society where variations in income and wealth can be extreme, ensuring that the impact of the fine is equal for each person punished.

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Why one of Canada’s big banks is calling for greater income equality

Saturday, December 20th, 2014

In a recent report, economists at TD Bank laid out “The Case for Leaning Against Income Inequality,” pointing out the dangers of the widening divide, and giving some strong suggestions on how to turn the tide… This widely held appetite for redistribution is particularly interesting, given that it’s been a dirty word for many years, abandoned by parties of all ideological leanings.

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Gap between rich and poor greater than most Canadians think Poll finds

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

The richest segment of Canada’s population controls close to 70 per cent of the country’s wealth. Its very poorest segment has no share at all… “There’s a huge discrepancy between the kind of Canada that people want and the kind of Canada that actually exists.” The research showed a strong appetite for government intervention to alleviate income inequality, with over 85 per cent of the country agreeing that the wealth gap was a problem.

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Why women don’t stay in Alphaville

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Alphaville – a realm that’s wide open to brainy Type-A women, but still populated overwhelmingly by Type-A men… it is wide open to gifted women – as long as they resemble alpha men. Such women are not that common… The women don’t feel they’ve been cheated or shut out. They think their lives are great. On every measure of psychological well-being, they scored about the same as the men… “there are multiple ways to construct a meaningful, productive and satisfying life.”

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