Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Some insights into how Canada’s middle class is really faring

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

The trend is clear: All three measures of inequality show increases over time, with much of the widening gap occurring in the 1980s and 1990s… Those at the upper end of the middle class – such as public-service professionals – are typically better paid and share characteristics with top-earning professionals, such as valuable pension plans. The working class, however, such as support staff, share characteristics with lower-income earners, including “higher job insecurity and the threat of automation.”

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Income inequality’s pitchfork in the road

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

[Mark Carney] spoke about how affluent nations had subtly morphed from being market economies to market societies and how it was changing the course of democracy for the worse. Any time citizens in general develop a growing distrust of the merits of the financial order, it’s just as bad for capitalism as it is for politics… “Prosperity requires not just investment in economic capital, but investment in social capital,” he reasoned.

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Why income splitting will finally allow your wife to do “chores at home”

Monday, March 9th, 2015

… the median income of families with one male breadwinner and a non-working spouse is $40,000. And stay-at-home dad families have a median income of $33,000. Robson estimates the median single-income Canadian family would see a smooth $38 in average total tax savings from income splitting… Could I incorporate my family as a small business and pay my wife a salary to dodge taxes?… Yes!… many wealthy Canadian families are already taking advantage of this very loophole… [but] this “tolerance” from the CRA is discriminatory against the salaried middle-class or waged lower-income earners.

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We’re a long way from true equality

Saturday, March 7th, 2015

… making commitments is the easiest part — it’s the implementation that’s the major challenge… our recommendations are clear: a national action plan on violence against women and girls; a national anti-poverty plan with a clear gender lens; affordable early learning and child care; federal (and where none exists, provincial) pay-equity legislation, gender budgeting, and decision-makers who are responsive to the needs of women and girls.

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The solutions at hand for aboriginal women

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

… both aboriginal and non-aboriginal leaders have spoken of the need for comprehensive improvement in aboriginal Canadians’ lives: better and less crowded housing, education improvement, fighting addictions, job opportunities… the bulk of the problem is bound up in precisely those “sociological phenomena” — poverty, misery, addictions, hopelessness — that can be relied upon to produce violent outcomes in any society, of any ethnicity.

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United Way sketches a path to a fairer Toronto

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Toronto has a mayor and Ontario has a premier who are committed to reducing poverty. There are already effective civic partnerships, programs that have succeeded in lifting disadvantaged families up… the United Way does in its latest report, The Opportunity Equation… sets three overarching goals: 1) Give the city’s next generation the tools it needs to succeed; 2) Ensure that work is a path out of poverty; and 3) Share the city’s prosperity more widely.

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A breakthrough in teaching aboriginal children should be funded by Ottawa

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Reading proficiency at the age of 9 or 10, in particular, “is the most reliable school-based predictor of high school graduation,” according to the program report… Martin’s pioneering initiative has done more than make vulnerable children at two schools achieve an academic breakthrough. It shows how thousands of aboriginal children across Canada can be helped. The way forward is clear. What’s needed now is bold investment by Ottawa.

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Prime Minister, this isn’t how we should do things in Canada

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Through all the rhetoric, take note of how our government classifies terrorism. It applies only to terror allegedly plotted and committed by Muslims, not “murderous misfits” like those in Halifax who weren’t “culturally” motivated… The government that says it is committed to protect Canadians is the same one that alienates the very communities it needs to empower and work with.

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Canada fails First Nations children

Friday, February 20th, 2015

The historic motion [Jordan’s Principle] endorsed the idea that meeting the health needs of indigenous children should be a top priority. And Parliament made it clear that the issue of which level of government should pay for health services should not impede the delivery of those services. Unfortunately, much more work still needs to be done on this file. Last week, a bracing report was published, laying bare the social inequities that continue to deprive First Nations children of timely care and assistance.

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It’s true: The rich really are ruder

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

It is a necessary premise of law that individuals are responsible for their actions, and no sane person would have it otherwise. But the root causes of the asshole effect are not, finally, singular. Such people are made, not born. Until we have a more aggressive plan for attacking luck-entitlements, condemnation of a few hapless exemplars will remain satisfying but futile.

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