Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Canadians need ‘conversation’ about residential schools: Murray Sinclair

Friday, April 17th, 2015

For the longest time, aboriginal people have been mistreated by this country. In terms of their rights, but also in terms of their ability to function as human beings… Not just because of a lack of resources, but also a social experience which has taught them that they are incapable of managing their own affairs… Because the Canadian government was messaging as justification for the schools that it was about civilizing an inferior people through the use of Christianization.”

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What are the police for?

Monday, April 13th, 2015

Defenders of the OPP’s conduct, and this includes former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty, say that the police did a great job keeping the peace in Caledonia, but here’s the thing — that’s not their job. Police officers enforce the law. The military keeps the peace — and if the situation was truly as bad as Mr. Lewis says… the military should have been the ones on the ground… The OPP was given an impossible task there. The scandal isn’t that it made mistakes or failed to keep everyone happy. It’s that it was put in that position in the first place.

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Zero Dollar Linda slays The Great Gatsby

Friday, April 10th, 2015

… low social mobility among the poor is partly a creation of the very policies intended to help low income earners… Outcomes change only gradually, since they are embedded in dense social structures, not suddenly in response to government policy. To the degree that governments adopt income redistribution policies that inhibit economic growth, they hurt everyone while possibly hampering their goal of increased mobility.

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The erosion of middle-class jobs and incomes in Canada is finally being exposed

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

We are experiencing the same disorienting combination of tremendous technological and scientific advances going hand-in-hand with increasing economic insecurity for much of the population… [We] survived the economic transformation of the Industrial Revolution — and ultimately thrived… thanks to a wave of transformative social and political thinking — the rise of public education, public health-care and the social safety net — that harnessed its technological advances for the public good. We need to do that again today.

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Should poor seniors have to pay to volunteer

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

… federal and provincial governments penalize seniors… who get pocket money to cover their expenses for volunteer jobs… [as it is] subtracted from their old-age government assistance cheques… Under social assistance rules, a person under 65 can make up to $6,000 a year from “gifts” without seeing their government cheques decline… There is no such limit when they become seniors at 65, though… It’s not clear if these cascading clawbacks stem from punitive planning or sloppy neglect.

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Pay attention private sector: Public sector wages are higher because the gender gap is much smaller

Friday, March 27th, 2015

The pay premium is not evenly distributed across the public sector… the people benefiting the most are women and minorities. Not fat-cat bureaucrats, but cooks and cleaners and clerks who are getting access to above-the-poverty line wages and sick leave benefits they would have far less access to in the private sector.

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Our middle-class obsession is leaving too many Canadians behind

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

The breadth of Canada’s middle class obviously means that… policies aimed at transferring wealth from other income groups to appease middle-class voters will be costly. Given that the main cause for concern is the worsening situation of lower-skilled workers, politicians who truly want to help those struggling in the “middle class,” should focus their efforts on helping disadvantaged groups of Canadians acquire more education and more skills.

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More proof that income-splitting will benefit few

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Income-splitting was, after all, part of a larger package of $5 billion in tax giveaways, which also included a bigger Universal Child Care Benefit and expanded Child Care Expense Deduction. Those benefits also disproportionately benefit a small number of better-off households and are too meager to cover the cost of child care… that $5 billion could better be spent on universal child care, which studies have shown would pay for itself — and more — in taxes paid by women going back into the workforce…

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Growing income gap a health risk

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

In a less equal society, more people live in relative disadvantage, and are less able to afford safe housing and nutritious food or to access educational and economic opportunities. Their health suffers as a result, with people living in poverty often having life expectancies 20 or more years shorter than wealthier citizens… Something about greater inequality – be it higher levels of crime, greater strain on the social safety net, or even higher levels of stress – appears to harm the health of all but the very wealthiest members of a society.

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Inequality and Canadian politics

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

Economic inequalities have grown over the last 10 years… Declining marginal tax rates have certainly had some role… but this is not the principal place where government has allowed inequality to increase. Instead, post-transfer inequality has increased principally because government is transferring less to poor citizens. The problem is then not too little government spending or even too little taxing, but the wrong spending.

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