Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Tax Loopholes and Credits Cost Billions. Voters Need to Understand Them

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Budget documents list hundreds of “tax expenditures” or loopholes, potential revenue that the government has chosen to forego for one reason or another. In general, these are legal ways individuals and corporations can reduce the amount of tax they pay. Many are widely used and well-supported, but a significant number give an unfair advantage to people who already have more money.

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Ottawa willfully discriminated against First Nations children. Silence is no longer an option

Saturday, September 14th, 2019

Greater numbers of Canadians are beginning to see the overwhelming evidence of federal government discrimination against First Nations children and are demanding action… Enough is enough… Now is the time for a comprehensive plan.

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Ottawa willfully discriminated against First Nations children. Silence is no longer an option

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

Greater numbers of Canadians are beginning to see the overwhelming evidence of federal government discrimination against First Nations children and are demanding action… Enough is enough. After 112 years, Canada’s piecemeal approach to equity is a proven failure. Now is the time for a comprehensive plan.

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Removing sexism in Indian Act a work in progress

Sunday, September 1st, 2019

Sex discrimination in the Indian Act was a stain on Canada’s record; recent changes are long overdue. What comes next is hard work and some expense, but these are not processes to be feared, for they continue the ongoing effort to define and refine Confederation.

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Canada’s largest companies could easily eliminate pension deficits, but choose shareholder payouts instead: Report

Sunday, September 1st, 2019

”Year after year, companies are bringing in excess income, and year after year they decide to pay that out to shareholders instead of settling their pension obligations” … Most of the 10 companies with the largest pension deficits pay out far more annually to shareholders than the value of a one-time payment to eliminate their pension liability.

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It’s not an ‘affordability crisis,’ it’s a class conflict

Friday, August 30th, 2019

It’s not an affordability crisis, it’s a class conflict. It requires redistribution of wealth, not population… But they pin it on affordability, as if it’s a virus that calls for bed rest, rather than on the rich and their agenda since the 1980s, starting with with the panic over “deficits,” a word that came out of nowhere, too, so that public spending had to be slashed and taxes cut since “it’s your money and you should keep it” — as if you can build your own schools and public transit, once you’ve got a few more bucks in pocket.

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Tax on super-rich a popular idea, except in the media

Thursday, August 29th, 2019

Given that 26 individuals now have as much wealth as the bottom half of humanity (3.8 billion people), one wonders at what point conservative commentators might consider this a problem… Let’s not forget that the super-rich typically made their fortunes by selling products built by employees we all paid to educate, and shipping those products on roads we all paid to build.

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Internet access for all should be a promise made by all political parties in the upcoming federal election.

Friday, August 23rd, 2019

this country once recognized that the telephone was an essential service and made sure it was affordable. And the CRTC has even mandated that companies provide so-called “skinny,” affordable cable packages for low-income families. Now it’s time to make sure all Canadians are able to connect to the internet.

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How does the Canadian government spend your tax dollars?

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

“Elections are dangerous time for taxpayers because the politicians will promise to spend, and the danger is they don’t explain how they’re going to pay for it,” Wudrick said. Those promises that require extra revenue would often lead to debt, which means future taxes or cuts in services for Canadians. A good question for the candidates, Wudrick suggested, would be: “how are you going to pay?”

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First Nations women finally to be treated equally under Indian Act: Bennett

Saturday, August 17th, 2019

… with the remaining provisions of the legislation known as S-3 coming into force, descendants born before April 17, 1985, who lost their status or were removed from band lists due to marriages to non-Indian men dating back to 1869 can now be registered as First Nations members.

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