Archive for the ‘Equality Delivery System’ Category
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Canada is falling short on addressing wage equality
Fiftieth. That’s the lowly ranking of Canada out of 149 countries when it comes to wage equality for similar work, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report for 2018. Yes, this country came in behind economies as varied as the United States, Germany, Thailand, Uganda and Ukraine on one of the forum’s key evaluations of the economic, educational, health and political disparities that women experience.
Tags: child care, economy, featured, ideology, jurisdiction, participation, rights, standard of living, women
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Ottawa making progress on drinking- water promise
In January, 2018, the Indigenous Services department added 250 First Nations water systems to the list of those it will repair and maintain. … by mid-December of this year, the total number of advisories had been reduced to 64…The federal government predicts that most of the long-term advisories will end by 2020, and is on track to meet the 2021 promise.
Tags: budget, featured, Indigenous, jurisdiction, poverty, rights, standard of living
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Commissioners of inquiry find over 100 systemic causes for violence against Indigenous women
In the end, the commissioners said, they concentrated on about 10 significant reasons for the violence. They include known elements such as Indigenous poverty, lack of employment and lack of education. But the final report will “drill down” on those things, Ms. Buller said. Just saying that poverty is a cause “is not good enough,” she said… The inquiry heard from nearly 1,500 family members of victims and survivors. There were another 604 people who shared their experiences through artistic expression. Fifteen community hearings were held across Canada and 101 experts were consulted.
Tags: Indigenous, jurisdiction, rights, standard of living
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Why anti-black racism persists in the Toronto Police Service
Toronto police officers provided biased and untrustworthy testimony, inappropriately tried to stop the recording of incidents, and failed to co-operate with the SIU. And the Human Rights Commission noted that in its final report, it will examine the role and impact of police culture…. A key ingredient of that culture is lax accountability… An important first step in ensuring accountability is collecting, analyzing and publicly reporting data related to police stops, detentions and use of force to determine if they disproportionately affect members of the black communities.
Tags: ideology, jurisdiction, rights, standard of living
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Ontario creates new French commissioner job after days of backlash over cuts
After days of backlash over its cuts to institutions serving francophones, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government says it’s making changes meant to recognize the “significant and ongoing” contributions of the Franco-Ontarian community… Premier Doug Ford says his government is creating the position of French-Language Services Commissioner within the provincial ombudsman’s office, and seeking to turn the office of francophone affairs into a ministry.
Tags: budget, ideology, rights
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Indigenous issues can’t be fixed by statues and holidays alone
The disturbing truth is more Indigenous children are being taken from their homes and communities today than at the height of the residential school system. In 2016, more than 14,000 Indigenous children were placed in foster care, often far from home. And routinely for family problems that are rooted in poverty. Indigenous children made up just 7 per cent of all the children in Canada but accounted for over half the kids taken into care.
Tags: ideology, Indigenous, youth
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Unequal partners: A breakdown of how many hold how much of Canada’s wealth
… across the countries that make up the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the top 10 per cent of households own 52 per cent of wealth. In terms of income, the top group accounts for 24 per cent. On the lower rungs of the ladder, 60 per cent hold about 12 per cent of household wealth… At the country level, here’s a look at the various groups at the top… [and] among the less fortunate in 28 countries:
Tags: economy, featured, globalization, participation, poverty, standard of living
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How We All Can Help Improve Indigenous Child Welfare Today
… while we’re doing the hard work of implementing a new way of doing Indigenous child welfare, what could be done right now to help Indigenous families and kids in the current system? … offer Indigenous control, seek prevention, stop taking kids into care altogether… But other actions, some big and some small, don’t just need government to move forward. They need the buy-in, co-operation and good faith effort from everyone in Canada.
Tags: child care, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, youth
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Nearly half of youth incarcerated nationwide are Indigenous: Statistics Canada
Policy decisions, such as mandatory minimum sentences, have had a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities… [despite] bail reform, restorative justice efforts and culturally appropriate initiatives. The justice system cannot stand alone in curbing the trend of incarcerating Indigenous youth, he suggested. Tackling poverty, unemployment or underemployment, poor housing, addictions and mental illness would make a large difference
Tags: corrections, crime prevention, Indigenous, poverty
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