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Crime rates have more to do with social factors than number of police officers

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

The only way to reduce random crime is to address the root causes of it, usually defined by social indicators: inequality, affordable housing, programs for young children and families. The provincial and federal governments are the only public institutions with the financial capability of addressing these issues, but as we have seen in the recently released budgets of both Queen’s Park and Ottawa, they seem uninterested in doing so.

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Federal budget 2022: Highest-earning Canadians face minimum tax rate increase

Friday, March 31st, 2023

Ottawa is raising the alternative minimum tax rate and imposing new limits on many of the exemptions, deductions and credits that apply under the system starting in 2024… it is increasing the alternative minimum rate to 20.5 per cent from 15 per cent starting in 2024… Wealthy Canadians pay the alternative minimum or regular tax, whichever is higher… about 32,000 Canadians will be covered by alternative minimum tax in 2024

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Doug Ford’s government raising minimum wage to $16.55 in October

Friday, March 31st, 2023

The $1.05 hourly hike means someone earning minimum wage and working full-time would see an annual raise of about $2,200. It also vaults Ontario to the highest minimum wage in Canada… the change should help about 942,400 workers in Ontario — most of whom are women. The 6.8 per cent rise is because minimum wage increases are now tied to the rate of inflation and must be disclosed by the end of the fiscal year.

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Cruel health care cut targets the most vulnerable

Friday, March 31st, 2023

… The reason someone is uninsured is often tied to their immigration status and can include those on temporary work or study permits and people who are “undocumented” or without authorized immigration status… To have taken the axe to a small program supporting some of the most vulnerable people in Ontario said a lot about the Ford government, none of it good. 

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Ford’s health-care cuts risk lives of society’s most vulnerable

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Overnight, the Ford government has turned its back on marginalized people who are uninsured or have lost health cards, and the communities that take care of them… Doctors, nurses and hospitals all agree — the government did the right thing at the start of the pandemic by ensuring no one was denied health care in Ontario. They can do it again by reversing these cruel cuts and making this program permanent. 

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An Ontario doctor’s wait-list database is saving patient lives. It’s madness a doctor had to do it himself

Saturday, March 25th, 2023

It’s a searchable database of specialists and procedures, by location and wait times. Yet by simply showing the full extent of available specialists in his community, this young family doctor vividly saw how access could be speeded up, reducing patient anguish and hardship… Qamar and his partners hope the province will see the database’s value and step in to fund the minimal costs of updating it.

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Biden breaks taboo on taxing wealthy, showing Trudeau how to do it

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

… their wealth is largely held in corporate stock and, unless they sell stock and trigger a capital gain, no income tax applies. The wealthy are a formidable interest group who play an enormous — although largely hidden — role in shaping the political agenda. Still, they’d have more trouble keeping a wealth tax off the agenda if our progressive politicians embraced the idea with the same gusto as the broad Canadian public.

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Ontario has made slow progress to accessibility

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

… 77 per cent of people with disabilities report having a negative experience in public or at work, while only eight per cent describe their experience as positive. These negative experiences… are the result of a lack of leadership, enforcement, research and accountability, and of flaws in virtually every aspect of the system, including “services, products, technology, buildings, infrastructure, careers, processes and human imagination.” 

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We have a homelessness emergency in every part of Ontario

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

… the cause and effect are apparent… Ontario would need to increase its budget by $28 billion a year to spend what other provinces are spending. This extreme underspending will be a disaster for our communities… Ontario municipalities are unique in Canada in that they pay all or part of the costs of a range of health and social services such as public health and social housing.

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Making time for that vital “one more thing” in health care

Saturday, March 11th, 2023

Team-based care is one of four opportunities for innovation and transformation that Canada’s physicians are calling for… Ensuring doctors, nurses, and other health professionals can practise across Canada more easily will help… Next, let’s cut more red tape on data gathering and information sharing… Finally, doing better by health workers means integrated workforce planning on a national scale.

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