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Friday, March 12th, 2021
This report looks at the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic security of women in Canada and the current efforts to respond to urgent economic need in the short- to medium-term, as well as demands for fundamental systemic change moving forward… Are they setting a course for an intersectional feminist recovery—one that not only recovers lost ground, but also tackles long-standing economic disparities?
Tags: budget, economy, Health, ideology, participation, poverty, women
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »
Friday, March 12th, 2021
… slowing growth and the concentration of income gains at the top produced widening income gaps, increasing discontent and political instability—even before COVID-19 hit. In the post-COVID-19 era, the Green New Deal emphasizes social and environmental sustainability, and is reflective of the economic policy changes that likely lie ahead.
Tags: budget, child care, economy, featured, globalization, Health, ideology, participation, standard of living
Posted in Policy Context | No Comments »
Wednesday, January 27th, 2021
If we learn anything from COVID-19, it should be that we need a more comprehensive version of public health that acts on what we know about the social determinants of well-being… Here’s our three-step plan. 1. Identify the contours of an integrated, coherent vision of public health… 2. Co-ordinate the wider public health vision across political jurisdictions… 3. Work from the ground up to uncouple “health” from “health care.”
Tags: featured, Health, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, participation, pharmaceutical, standard of living
Posted in Health Policy Context | No Comments »
Thursday, December 31st, 2020
Lying beneath the weakening of public health practice, which one can think of as the tip of the iceberg, is an erosion of these deeper values and priorities… [collectivity / social justice / upstream thinking] … The erosion manifests as cuts to the public sector, solutions packaged in individualized terms, and a deepening political polarization that erodes societal assets such as trust.
Tags: Health, ideology, participation, poverty, standard of living
Posted in Health Debates | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
… a basic income standard for the unemployed and people receiving social and disability assistance… [would improve]… their standard of living, their hope and trust in the future would grow, and their ability to participate… would increase… we need a basic services guarantee that helps every Canadian secure affordable housing, nutritious food, pharmacare, dental care, mental health care, and specialized support for people with complex needs.
Tags: budget, child care, economy, featured, Health, housing, ideology, mental Health, participation, standard of living
Posted in Equality Debates | No Comments »
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
Among the key issues in the AFB Recovery Plan requiring immediate action: implement universal public child care so people can get back to work, reform employment insurance, strengthen safeguards for public health, decarbonize the economy, and tackle the gender, racial, and income inequality that COVID-19 has further exposed.
Tags: budget, child care, economy, Health, ideology, participation, standard of living
Posted in Governance Policy Context | No Comments »
Friday, March 6th, 2020
Advocates need a clear and practical agenda to make the most of this opportunity without sacrificing either environmental or social prerogatives. The AFB can help in this respect. Adopting all the AFB 2020 actions would mark an important shift in government policy-making and put the Canadian economy on more inclusive and sustainable foundations. It would do so without significantly adding to Canada’s debt at a time when public debt is truly the least of our problems.
Tags: budget, economy, ideology, standard of living, tax
Posted in Governance Debates | No Comments »
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
As the Ontario government continues to promote educational reforms that increase class size, reduce course selection, underfund special needs and implement mandatory e-learning, I wanted to share with you some resources that help demonstrate the impact of these changes on our kids’ classrooms.
Tags: budget, featured, ideology, standard of living, youth
Posted in Education Policy Context | No Comments »
Monday, December 2nd, 2019
Policymaking deals with complex issues for which government officials have to develop timely, effective, efficient and sensitive responses. A consensus has formed in the past decades that officials are more likely to get it right if they ask input from the people who will be affected by the policy in question. The public shares their input in good faith, hoping it will lead to better results. But public trust is undermined when government use the input from a consultation to justify any and all policy changes.
Tags: ideology, participation
Posted in Governance Policy Context | No Comments »
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