Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category
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Inequality means we’re not all in this together
Thursday, July 30th, 2020
The pandemic showed us that challenging the status quo is essential in tackling the inequalities we see today across Canada. Certain policies and interventions implemented at different scales across North America have proven both feasible and practical… They should not disappear after the pandemic subsides. There is nothing radical about housing the homeless, preventing drug overdoses, feeding the hungry, increasing minimum wages, or reducing prison populations. These measures are urgently needed and are simply humane. They should be our “new normal” in Canada moving forward.
Tags: economy, featured, Health, housing, ideology, Indigenous, multiculturalism, participation, poverty, standard of living
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »
We can’t let COVID-19 destroy economic gains for women
Saturday, July 25th, 2020
To ease the load on women, governments need to find a way to get schools back full-time as soon as possible… Second, for women to participate fully in the workforce, affordable, quality childcare, under new safety protocols, is essential… $2.5 billion is required to meet the need. In an era of crisis, when money has seemed to be no object, it would be dollars well spent.
Tags: budget, child care, economy, Health, participation, standard of living, women
Posted in Equality Debates | No Comments »
Genetic Non-Discrimination Act upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
A majority at the SCC found that genetic privacy is part of core biographical information and as such, its protection is a valid criminal law objective… that individuals have legitimate privacy, autonomy and dignity interests in their own genetic information. They held that forcing people to undergo genetic testing and to face the results is a clear threat to these values; that genetic identity is at the heart of a biographical core of information and its protection is warranted.
Tags: featured, Health, rights
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »
Why assume Indigenous peoples speak with one voice?
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
… while many Indigenous communities might share certain cultural traits or values, our experiences and approaches remain distinct from one another… And, by virtue of the broad diversity of experiences and histories, Indigenous nations will have different needs and priorities… it’s normal, and even healthy, to see these diverging opinions and approaches. Nations’ different economic, cultural and spiritual considerations will inherently lead to different thoughts and opinions.
Tags: ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, multiculturalism, participation
Posted in Equality Debates | No Comments »
Canadian court says Safe Third Country Agreement with U.S. violates charter
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020
“The ‘sharing of responsibility’ objective of the STCA should entail some guarantee of access to a fair refugee process.” The court said the fact that STCA returnees are jailed by U.S. authorities, does not immunize the actions of Canadian officials from consideration… critics have long argued that the U.S. asylum system is cruel and inhumane, especially under the Trump administration.
Tags: immigration, jurisdiction, rights
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »
Organizations call for wealth tax to bolster Canada’s recovery
Saturday, July 11th, 2020
Canadians for Tax Fairness estimates an annual net wealth tax at modest rates of 1% and 2% on fortunes of over $10 million could raise over $10 billion annually. That amount of money could fund 100,000 nurses or more than four-million affordable childcare spaces. A more ambitious wealth tax –complemented by other tax fairness measures such as closing unfair loopholes and cracking down on tax havens– could do even more.
Tags: budget, economy, ideology, standard of living, tax
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Provinces pose challenge to Indigenous child-welfare reform: Bellegarde
Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
… Bill C-92… recognizes the inherent right Indigenous communities have to oversee child-welfare services… one of the biggest challenges is getting the premiers and the territorial governments to accept that there is a jurisdiction that needs to be respected… Ottawa provides the funding for child protection services on reserves but those services are governed by provincial laws and in most cases, provided by provincial agencies.
Tags: budget, child care, Indigenous, jurisdiction, youth
Posted in Equality Delivery System | No Comments »
Here’s why Ottawa’s pandemic aid isn’t finding its way to Black-owned businesses
Monday, June 29th, 2020
Black businesses are not getting the kind of financial support that the rest of the country’s private sector is getting from governments these days — despite the commitments from federal politicians to extend a hand to everyone who needs it, and repeated vows to act quickly on systemic racism… Liberals want to consult more with community leaders… The problem is, the damage from the pandemic is moving far faster than bureaucracy, and for Black communities, it’s devastating.
Tags: economy, ideology, participation, standard of living
Posted in Equality Delivery System | No Comments »
J.K. Rowling backlash shows how progressives are turning on their own kind
Saturday, June 20th, 2020
Political correctness is a mocking term; the irony is that its substance is indeed (mostly) politically correct. It is correct to acknowledge and try to redress historical wrongs… Enough scolding, enough censorship, enough dogma and enough beating up on good people. Cannibalism is a lousy recruitment strategy. Progressives everywhere need a lesson in the importance of not being so angrily earnest.
Tags: ideology, participation, rights
Posted in Equality Debates | No Comments »
Breaking the law: How the state weaponizes an unjust criminal justice system
Tuesday, June 16th, 2020
The overpolicing and overincarceration of racial communities is a critical point. It is the state that is “othering” a segment of the population. The criminal justice system provides an official government imprimatur that this group of people – “they,” the “accused” – are not like you. The message that is being sent is that they deserve less, are not to be trusted, must be corralled, segregated, stopped and removed from “civil” society. How else are we to be safe?
Tags: crime prevention, ideology, Indigenous, rights, standard of living
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »