Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Every one of the ailments we imagine ourselves to be suffering is a reality in the U.S.

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Dec 14, 2012
if there has been one article of faith in recent years, not only in the Star but throughout the media, it has been that Canada is beset by “growing inequality,” to say nothing of “stagnating incomes.” Throw in the “vanishing middle class” and you have a catechism of media verities, repeated endlessly, just as if they were real… That’s not to say that income inequality was not growing in the past.

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Canada’s income gap ‘surprisingly unchanged’ despite perception

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Dec. 11 2012
Income inequality has not worsened in Canada over the past decade — contrary to popular perception… The sense of a growing gap in Canada, TD argues, may stem from other factors: the low absolute level of income among poorer Canadians, the growing share of income going to the top 1 per cent of earners, and the weak growth of incomes among middle-earner families.

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Can the First Nations Education Act achieve a passing grade?

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Dec. 07 2012
three principles will dominate the AFN’s approach to the bill: 1. First Nations are entitled to adequate and predictable funding that meets the needs of every native on reserve. 2. Any legislation that affects first nations education on reserve must have the consent of the chiefs before it can be introduced into Parliament, much less passed by it. 3. The preservation of native culture, especially native languages, must be at the heart of any native curriculum.

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Ottawa taken to court over release of residential-schools documents

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Dec. 03 2012
The commission examining the treatment of aboriginal children at Canada’s residential schools is taking the federal government to court for refusing to release millions of documents that were supposed to form a permanent and public record of the abuses committed.

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Inequality’s a problem for Canada, too

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Nov. 28 2012
From 1982 until 2004, almost all growth in family income went to the top 20 per cent, with much of that going to the top 1 per cent, while the bottom 60 per cent saw no growth at all… Inequality does matter. In terms of social outcomes, more equal societies do better for everyone, not just for the poor, in almost every respect: health outcomes, life expectancy, level of trust in society, equality of opportunity and upward social mobility.

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The rich cost too much

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

Nov. 23 2012
A banker’s “entitlement” program is not the government revenues he might qualify for, it is the legal right to place income offshore. What do the lost taxes on this cost Canadian taxpayers? … It is not the poor we cannot afford – it is the rich, and their entitlement culture.

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Look at me, I’m Mr. Rags-To-Riches!

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Nov 22, 2012
In 1990, I was making $18,000 a year, which put me in the bottom 40% of earners. By 2009, I was making well above the national median income. I might even qualify for the top 20%. According to the Fraser Institute, that life story I just told you “overthrows the claims of Occupy protesters.” Except, of course, it doesn’t.

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Poor today, rich tomorrow: Permanent underclass in Canada is a myth, study reveals

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Nov 20, 2012
In the 19-year period between 1990 and 2009, one in five Canadians in the lowest of five income groups eventually moved up to the highest-income camp, and nine out of 10 people in the lowest-income group rose out of the bottom… more than a third of top earners in 1990 slipped to a lower income category by 2009. “This study blows those myths out of the water.”

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Time for People with Disabilities to ‘Make the Rules in Our Own Lives’

Monday, November 5th, 2012

November 5, 2012
“Disabled residents… are vulnerable to a provision of community or institutional care that falls below a generally acceptable standard, a situation that does not allow them to live with confidence in safety, with freedom and dignity… The main reason for this is the excessive amount of discretion available to government and contractors respecting the services provided to disabled people.”

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Anne Golden’s stern warning of growing rich-poor gap

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

October 31, 2012
Golden has focused on the rich-poor gap, which is bad for social cohesion, hard to justify and which is rising faster in Canada than in the United States… into an all-out plea for the corporate elite to stop sitting on the sidelines when it comes to growing social inequalities in Toronto… a measure of equality is an important factor in sustaining economic growth and… overall quality of life, in such areas as health, education and general well-being, is better for everyone in more equal societies.

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