Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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At least inequality is on the radar

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Dec. 31, 2012
The effect of a downsized government and weakened union will be reduced wages, poorer health, lowered life expectancy, and undermined education; the main causes of social injustice and inequality… a fair distribution of wealth through a deliberate intervention will increase growth and productivity, through opening up opportunities to a wider population and fighting monopolies and special interests, which are pre-requisites in a hyper-competitive global economy.

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Why the 99 per cent still matter in Canadian politics

Monday, December 31st, 2012

December 30, 2012
Over the past 20 years, we have seen a dramatic shift away from the public toward the private. That has been reflected in a dramatic decline in fiscal capacity — our ability to pay for the things we consume and provide for the public good. There has also been a dramatic shift in the share of those costs borne by different social groups: Elite Canadians are paying less at the same time they are castigating our public programs.

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Why we are Idle No More

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

Dec. 28, 2012
While a great many injustices were inflicted upon the indigenous peoples in the name of colonization, indigenous peoples were never “conquered”… The failure of Canada to share the lands and resources as promised in the treaties has placed First Nations at the bottom of all socio-economic indicators — health, lifespan, education levels and employment opportunities… this movement will continue to expand and increase in intensity.

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Idle No More starts new era

Friday, December 28th, 2012

Dec 28, 2012
Harper said it was time to reset the relationship but it was an empty PR gesture… What First Nations received in the new “reset” was funding cutbacks to advocacy groups, legislative change without consultation and basically business as usual. Idle No More is a reaction to years of setback, inaction and one-sided legislative change by the Harper government.

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Prime Minister Stephen Harper should meet Chief Theresa Spence

Friday, December 28th, 2012

Dec. 27, 2012
f simple human concern, a determination to right historic injustices, and a goal of making life better on reserves aren’t enough to move Harper, here’s a reason he’ll likely understand: meeting Spence would be politically expedient. More than that, it might just avert disaster… If she were to die, or suffer serious harm, the protests seen thus far would be merely a gentle rain compared to the hurricane of anger to follow.

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Ed Broadbent on rising inequality and the threat to the Canadian dream

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

Dec. 26, 2012
We are moving away from equality-promoting public services and social programs and toward tax cuts most beneficial to the affluent. This important shift in public policy came as middle-class jobs were disappearing and as earnings in the market place were becoming more unequal… Canadian values demand that we do something about rising inequality before we turn into a winner-take-all society with a permanent underclass. We are in this together, and that means we must once again care and share.

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Women made gains in 2012 but don’t declare victory just yet

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

Dec. 26, 2012
Harper’s government has cut funding to women’s organizations, withdrawn Canadian support for family planning in developing nations and permitted Conservative MPs to introduce bills aimed at preventing sex selection of babies by restricting abortion… Despite the hoopla about men failing and women triumphing, equality still eludes the female half of Canadians who mostly remain segregated in the lowest paying jobs and carry the burden of child-rearing.

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Canada, the natives are restless. It’s time to fix this relationship

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Dec 21, 2012
Politicians won’t be the ones to fix what’s wrong with Canada and its relationship with indigenous peoples. This is a job for regular people, dealing with one another as human beings, and right now indigenous people in this country are not being treated humanely. So I’ve compiled a list of stereotypes and lies that I think need to stop being spread and passed around as truth. Where possible, I’ve linked information to help dispel these harmful myths.

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Canada gets human rights failing grade from Amnesty International

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Amnesty’s report calls for a new human rights agenda for Canada that includes all levels of government, beginning with “a process of law reform . . . to establish a formal mechanism for transparent, effective and accountable implementation of Canada’s international human rights obligations.” It says that UN recommendations have too often been ignored, and the implementation process is so “cloaked in secrecy” that most Canadians have no idea whether the government plans to act on them.

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A proposal to strengthen the Canada Pension Plan: the 1.5 option

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

December 2012
Expanding the Canada Pension Plan is back on the table. The federal and provincial finance ministers have been exploring several proposals for expanding the CPP in a paper prepared by their officials… The Achilles heel of Canada’s retirement income system is that private pension and savings plans never grew sufficiently to properly serve the earnings replacement objective for many Canadians.

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