Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Socialist rhetoric vs. economic logic

Friday, May 31st, 2013

There is a reflexive tendency on the liberal left to condemn inequality as inherently immoral… to assume that wealth is the fruit of illegitimate power and/or refusal to pay your “fair share”… inequality-phobes retreat into “studies” that suggest that inequality somehow breeds crime, lowers life expectancy, and destroys social cohesion… Thus base envy, market demonization and power lust are elevated as moral principles

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Inequality exists in Ontario’s publicly-funded school system: advocacy group

Monday, May 27th, 2013

… students in schools with high average family incomes have a greater chance of participating in a band or choir… and to take academic courses needed in order to have a wide range of choices after graduation. there has been an increasing assumption that parents will raise funds to augment the system or pay fees to cover things such as trips or extracurricular activities..

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Some cracks in the technocrat cult

Friday, May 24th, 2013

In their seminal 2012 book, “Why Nations Fail,” Acemoglu and Robinson offered a powerful new framework for understanding why some societies thrive and others decline – those based on inclusive growth succeed, while those where growth is extractive wither… In particular, they believe we need to be cautious about “good” economic policies that have the side effect of either reinforcing already dominant groups or weakening already frail ones.

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SDHU studies effects of wealth on health

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Sudbury’s most economically deprived areas had more than four times as many emergency department visits for mental health episodes as the more well off parts of the city… if the social gap between rich and poor neighbourhoods were eliminated there would be 14,077 fewer emergency department visits per year in the city, 1,783 fewer hospitalizations for all causes and 9,706 more people in the City who rate their health as excellent or very good.

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Do-it-yourself-law — a trickle becomes a deluge

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Two-thirds of the litigants in the family court system don’t have legal counsel. In the civil court system, self-representation has reached 70 per cent. Self-represented litigants don’t fit the popular stereotype. Most are middle-class parents. Half have university degrees. The vast majority are over 40. In Macfarlane’s sample, 53 per cent started with lawyers but couldn’t afford to retain them as their trial dragged on. It’s no secret in the legal community that the justice system is broken.

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Resource development offers opportunity for Aboriginal communities

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

First, First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities are ready to participate in collaborative activities. Second, Canada already has a significant number of examples of practical and effective partnerships with Aboriginal communities… commercialization already is showing real dividends… Given their newly recognized legal and political power and authority, however, Aboriginal people can and will be a powerful obstacle to any development that does not respect their interests, their histories and their cultures.

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Canada’s inequality non-problem

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

“Negative growth,” or in our case the slowdown in growth, did raise inequality… But, just as they’re supposed to do, the progressive income tax system and the welfare state more or less offset this increase in inequality… The big story out of these numbers is that the safety net worked exactly as intended. It didn’t perfectly offset the rise in inequality resulting from the turmoil in the labour market. But it offset most of it.

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Canada has to accommodate aboriginal concerns

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

… many Canadians insist that… assimilation into the Canada’s immigrant culture is the best thing the First Nations could possibly do for themselves. On the other hand, some day Canadians may come to understand (the easy way or the hard way) that an honest national accommodation with aboriginal cultures and a fair sharing of the wealth in Canada’s natural resources are the best policies Canadians could adopt for themselves and for Canada.

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Head of Canadian Medical Association wants to draw attention to root causes of illness

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

Doctors at the CMA are… experts at seeing the negative downstream effects of these inequities… An estimated 20 per cent of the $200 billion Canada spends on health care every year is attributable to socio-economic disparities, such as early childhood education and family income… “The larger the income disparity, the worse the health gets,” Reid said. Income is the No. 1 social determinant on health and longevity, she said, followed by early childhood development and education.

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The Aboriginal population: younger and more troubled

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Forty-nine per cent of First Nations people live on reserve, where education is provided by band councils using federal funds – and where other studies found that about 60 per cent fail to graduate…. lack of education is but one facet of the troubled lives of many aboriginals… “In order for the numbers to change, the government is going to have to address root causes such as poverty and discrimination…The focus cannot just be on education. It has to be broader than that.”

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