Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Tories shrug off income equality

Friday, December 13th, 2013

It is a pathetic piece of work… It says nothing about lifting low-income Canadians out of poverty, nothing about tackling the desperate shortage of affordable housing in the country, nothing about increasing the Canada Child Tax Benefit, nothing about improving public pensions and nothing about shoring up the country’s deteriorating social programs… It took the Tories 18 months to push one of the important issues facing the nation off the political agenda.

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CPP expansion better option

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Ottawa has balked at increasing CPP payouts or premiums, likening them to a “job killing” payroll tax that could stall Canada’s struggling economy. What isn’t in debate, however, is how unprepared a growing number of Canadians are for their retirement. Many leave the workforce with no formal retirement plan, having saved far too little through such vehicles as Registered Retirement Savings Plans or tax-free savings accounts. Many retirees still carry debt, including mortgages.

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Past Yellen and Lagarde, women still have a long way to go

Saturday, December 7th, 2013

The pace of closing the gender gap has been so incredibly slow that… it would take Canadian women 228 years to catch up with men on those four core factors… This is a moral issue, of course. But practically, it has been and continues to be a drag on human progress to deny half the population full participation in society.

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Fix the TV and take out the garbage [male & female brains]

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

It is precisely because of their different abilities — multitasking, collaboration, and ability to read social cues — that females are outperforming boys in school, outnumbering men in universities, and, in many cases, out-earning them once they graduate. “Soft” skills, teamwork, and the dreaded multitasking are now resume requirements. Manufacturing jobs demanding singular focus are being replaced by service jobs that require people skills.

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A kinder, gentler Canada? Myth busted in one graph

Friday, November 29th, 2013

… the U.S does the least of the advanced industrialized countries to combat inequality through government taxes and transfers… Canada languishes at the bottom of that barrel too… This redistributive fade in Canada is considered among the most dramatic among the 34-member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

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Target the poor, not the rich, for real solutions to income inequality

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

… the problem… is that too many people have too little money. Even working Canadians have too little money. Many of them are victims of decades of driving down wage rates as a way of finding efficiency in the production of goods and services, leading to low levels of family income… Here are five ideas that would go a long way to addressing the problem:

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Child poverty rates in Canada, Ontario remain high

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

… based on 2011 data, the latest available from Statistics Canada. National child poverty numbers were down slightly from 2010 when 979,000 were living in poverty. But they are still higher than in 1989 when the House of Commons unanimously resolved to end child poverty by the millennium. At that time there were 912,000 children living in poverty

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Meanness linked to growing inequality

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

“mean” behaviour could be connected to the increasing economic inequality we are experiencing. Not only are individuals becoming more economically marginalized, but whole social and economic groups are being downgraded. The middle class is shrinking, young people’s hope for their futures are being postponed… and more and more older people cannot afford to retire, but must work until they can no longer do so. Equality of opportunity is becoming a thing of the past, and parents have lower and lower hopes for their children.

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Will technology provide the path to prosperity?

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

… the cognoscenti still did not believe the service sector could ever create good jobs on a massive scale. Yet, in less than a decade, the Internet was doing just that… Entire new job categories sprung up, post-manufacturing service jobs more akin to the work of lawyers or journalists than those manning fast-food cash registers. These allowed twentysomethings to become coders and webmasters, and out-earn their middle-class parents.

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Economic opportunity ends First Nation culture of dependence

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

If poverty is the only lifestyle you know, it is very difficult to realize there is a way out… First Nations that are succeeding – strong employment levels, healthy communities, few social ills – appear to have gained a level of independence, and have achieved it mostly through economic development… The despair that comes with poverty is slowly disappearing, We know that to become a strong independent nation, we need to have strong independent members.

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