Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Why aboriginal audits miss the real problem

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Demanding “accountability” and “transparency” that can never be realized in small and poorly-functioning tribal communities is ineffective and hugely wasteful. Were the government to accept its responsibility to native people, and become accountable for providing education, health care and housing, it would be the first step in eliminating the nepotism, resource squandering and entitlement orchestrated by the Aboriginal Industry.

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Alan Borovoy: a troublemaker who made history

Monday, April 7th, 2014

… as general counsel for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association… [At the Barricades] sums up the lessons he has learned, tots up the costs and rewards of speaking out against authority and examines the hurt he caused — and felt — when his principles compelled him to defend widely reviled figures such as neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel and anti-Semite schoolteacher Jim Keegstra in their fights against censorship.

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America’s Taxation Tradition

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

… in the early 20th century, many leading Americans warned about the dangers of extreme wealth concentration, and urged that tax policy be used to limit the growth of great fortunes… America was in danger of turning into a society dominated by hereditary wealth… the New World was at risk of turning into Old Europe… public policy should seek to limit inequality for political as well as economic reasons, that great wealth posed a danger to democracy.

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Canada’s richest 86 people have as much wealth as the poorest 11.4 million

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

… the super-rich list of Canadian residents has little to do with income in the traditional sense… None of the 86 are company CEOs… Instead, the ones on the list are there by virtue of being company founders or related to company founders… The super-rich have gotten there by creating and trading assets, whether companies, real estate or securities. “We often focus on income inequality but that’s a socialist paradise compared to wealth inequality,”

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First Nations must turn the page on residential schools

Monday, March 31st, 2014

Through the pride of our culture and the strength of our ancestors, we can begin to move out from that embedded sense of trauma, move out from the darkness into the light of confidence in our future.
Through the truth, we must free ourselves from the bonds of anger and hate. We will never forget. But we must not burden another generation with anger and pain. We can give them the strength of our spirit, our songs, our languages and our cultures.

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Searing stories at residential-school hearings come to a close

Monday, March 31st, 2014

The heart-breaking accounts – almost all videotaped – will now form part of a lasting record of one of the darkest chapters in the country’s history… For many, being able to tell their stories was at once cathartic and a validation… The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, under Justice Murray Sinclair, visited more than 300 communities after it began hearings in Winnipeg in June 2010.

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Posted in Equality History | 1 Comment »

Government policies have widened Canada’s income gap

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Rising market income inequality in Canada over the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s was broadly offset by redistributive government policies until the early 1990s. However, for a decade, from the early 1990s to the early 2000s, the redistributive impact of the personal income tax and income transfer system faded significantly, and then stabilized at a lower level.

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Parliament fails aboriginal women

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

All that remained of the original report was its once-poignant title: Invisible Women: A Call to Action. For the families of the victims, it was an enormous let-down. For human rights activists it was yet another demonstration of the Conservative government’s refusal to stand up for vulnerable minorities. For aboriginal women it was a devastating blow. The police had failed them, the courts had failed them and now their quest for justice had been spurned by the government of Canada.

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Canada’s 1% already well occupied

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

The top 1% aren’t tax slouches. They pay more than 20% of all federal income tax. But they do disproportionately benefit from some tax expenditures. For instance, they get over 70% of the total benefit of the partial inclusion of capital gains from income and almost 80% of the benefit from different investment tax credits… If a tax expenditure is fair and efficient… the fact that one percenters use it most is irrelevant. But if it’s of dubious merit and, besides, the benefits go mainly to people at the top, then it’s twice damned.

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The ‘girl effect’ reduces inequality, but we can’t count on it forever

Friday, March 7th, 2014

Women’s share of the Canadian job market has climbed steadily, in response to economic calamity… It’s just over 50% today. We’re trailing men in self-employment, but that, too, is changing. Women now play a bigger role in the paid labour force in Canada than in the United States, and we tend to get paid better than our American counterparts, helping us offset inequality more here than there… If the next generation is not to lose ground, businesses and governments are going to have to do more heavy lifting too.

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