Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Race, Class And Neglect

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

… the riots in Baltimore… draw… attention to the grotesque inequalities that poison the lives of too many Americans… Shrugging your shoulders as you attribute it all to values is an act of malign neglect. The poor don’t need lectures on morality, they need more resources — which we can afford to provide — and better economic opportunities, which we can also afford to provide through everything from training and subsidies to higher minimum wages. Baltimore, and America, don’t have to be as unjust as they are.

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That time they tried to do a study but gave up for lack of data

Friday, May 8th, 2015

Researchers… recently set out to create a map of what they called the hardest places to live in Canada. Their model was a much-discussed graphic published in the New York Times that vividly depicted the relative inequality of 3,125 counties in the United States, drawing on indicators such as life expectancy, unemployment, education and income. What they inadvertently discovered was a disturbing inequality between nations: Canada simply doesn’t have the data needed to make these kind of community-by-community comparisons.

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Women replace high hopes with steely resolve

Monday, May 4th, 2015

… particularly demoralizing for Canadian women is that many of the gains they made in the 1980s and ’90s have been lost in the last decade. The guarantee of gender equality in the Charter of Rights has been weakened by the cancellation of the Court Challenges program, which allowed women to exercise their right to challenge sexual discrimination. Status of Women Canada has been slashed, its advocacy role eliminated. Aboriginal women, seeking justice for their murdered sisters, have been rebuffed.

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Austerity Push Hurt Women Most by Reinforcing Pay Gap, UN Says

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Post-crisis macroeconomic policies attempted to stabilize markets and economies, often by enacting deep cuts to social services, but did so without also tackling existing gender divisions, according to the report… while many countries continue to experience low growth and high unemployment, joblessness hits young women the hardest as gender stereotypes leave women more vulnerable to occupational segregation or limit them to unpaid domestic work

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Lack of trained nurses in First Nations communities underlines Ottawa’s neglect

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

The auditor general’s findings speak to a pattern of neglect that leaves communities “severely marginalized”… Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government has failed to ensure that First Nations people living in remote areas get the medical treatment they need. The nursing shortage is symptomatic of a wider pattern of federal neglect that reaches across native life… From treaty rights to schooling and health care, the Crown is betraying a people’s trust.

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Economic inequality is bad for our health

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

… poverty is literally imprinting itself on the lives of Torontonians… Over the past decade, health inequalities between the rich and the poor have persisted. In some cases, they have grown wider… The report rightfully attributes these inequalities to the social determinants of health — a term that refers to a diverse range of factors including income, education, employment and housing… Neighbourhoods are becoming more polarized… the poorest among our city’s residents have borne the greatest portion of this burden.

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Please don’t hate me, I’m a senior

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Canadian senior citizens are among the most affluent people in the world. Fewer than 5 per cent of seniors live below the poverty line – one-third the rate of children who do… we’re way, way better off than the struggling 30-year-olds who will never enjoy the job security, the pension plans, and the high house prices and stock returns with which we’ve been blessed… So when budget time comes around, who gets the goodies? We do!

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Canada 2015: A remarkable economic transformation

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Today’s federal debt-to-GDP ratio is roughly 30 per cent. In international circles, fiscal prudence has become nearly as Canadian as the maple leaf. Despite the remarkable improvement in many parts of Canadian economic life, we still have our share of challenges. Rising health costs from an aging population, a shortage of critical infrastructure, increasing costs from climate change and rising income inequality are four big ones.

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Why do women still earn so much less than men?

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

… for the past three years running, women have been making progressively less than men. This, despite being better educated than men, despite storming the hallways of senior management and leaning their way into company boards, women in Ontario are earning less and less compared to men… jobs for women in health and education and retail… tend to be low-paying jobs… “At this change of pace we’re going to have to wait till 2125 to close that gap.”

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Neuroscientists find that poor children have smaller brains than wealthy children, study says

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

“The thing that really stands out is how powerful the economic influences are on something as fundamental as brain structure”… The new research does not explain possible reasons for the brain differences. And that has created some concern that the findings will harden stereotypes and give an impression that children who are born into poverty lack the physical capacity to succeed academically… “Some people feel if you show these brain differences, you’re politically condemning the poor… we want to understand adversity and minimize adversity.”

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