Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Canada’s big cities are feeling the pressure of income inequality

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

Rising inequality is not just pervasive in our cities; it is almost exclusive to our cities. Yet, municipalities cannot address this challenge on their own… middle class and middle income are not necessarily one and the same… The reality is that middle-income Canadians living in cities such as those are likely the ones feeling the effects of rising inequality the most.

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How to turn Canada 150 into a celebration for everyone

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

The original peoples of Canada are founding nations of this country and as such need to be able to govern themselves in full equality with other Canadians. That is certainly not true of our past, or of our present. But it must become the reality of our future… The Indian Act has created a reserve and political structure that actually blocks effective governance and equality. Its continued existence makes the dream of effective sovereignty and good governance impossible.

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Posted in Equality Policy Context | 1 Comment »

Tide is turning on Canada’s relationship with Indigenous people

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

… every once in a while, specific political and economic forces have converged in such a way as to create space for Indigenous people to make very dramatic, important and lasting gains. It is in those openings that we can catch a glimpse of the Canada that can be. And we, on the Indigenous side, can rise to those occasions as well and put the historic pain we have suffered in perspective.

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After 150 years, Canada’s Indigenous citizens are finally being heard

Friday, June 30th, 2017

… as the country marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation, there is a widespread sense that any celebration… must be tempered by the conscious acknowledgment that the rise of the nation created in 1867 has gone hand in hand with state-enforced maltreatment of the people who were here first… If First Nations, Metis and Inuit people are Canadian, then the history of Canada can’t logically start at Confederation, or even at first contact with European explorers.

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Posted in Equality History | No Comments »

Improving Canadians’ income mobility is the next big policy challenge

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

We can’t know whether the expansion of digital infrastructure will improve income mobility in rural parts of Canada, or slow the migration of the young to urban hubs… All government can do is try to ensure that every Canadian is as well-educated and as connected as possible…

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The Liberals are talking about gender, and that will change Ottawa

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

The government, under Ms. Telford’s eye, has applied gender-equity tools on matters so boringly inside the machinery of government, such as gender analysis in every department and on all initiatives before cabinet, that it can’t possibly be aimed at voters. It’s hard to say if that will really have an impact, but in theory, the government will know if infrastructure funds for hockey arenas or daycares are going to create jobs for men or women, or benefit one gender more.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | No Comments »

A tale of two Canadas: Where you grew up affects your income in adulthood

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

The most dramatic finding by Dr. Corak… is that the place you come from is very likely to affect your odds of future success, perhaps as much or more than your family, your culture or anything else in your life. Those results are likely to surprise many Canadians and provoke serious debates about the policies and interventions that can help more people escape intergenerational poverty.

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How to put Indigenous children first

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Step one: Establish the office of a Children’s Ombudsperson that is independent of government with order making powers to initiate investigations and ensure government departments are in compliance with their obligations to ensure full access of services… Canada will never be the nation it was meant to be until we understand that the greatest wealth in our nation is not the gold, the oil or the diamonds — it is the potential of children.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | 1 Comment »

Ottawa’s focus on data a good step in addressing gender-based violence

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

An epidemic such as gender-based violence can’t be solved without first understanding who is affected and how… the Trudeau government’s sensible new strategy on gender-based violence, which was announced this week, will focus foremost on modernizing research and collecting up-to-date data. These are crucial steps in addressing a deep-rooted problem ignored by Ottawa for far too long.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | No Comments »

Should Indigenous ancestry dictate public policy?

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The logic of these developments is to allow anyone who can demonstrate any degree of Indian ancestry to apply for registration, that is, to receive legal Indian status… Some First Nations welcome the increased numbers, but many believe they cannot afford to provide services. They sometimes also fear that newly registered Indians who have lived off-reserve for decades no longer share their traditional culture.

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Posted in Equality Policy Context | 1 Comment »

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