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Toronto, Ontario and Ottawa need to close election spending loopholes

Thursday, May 16th, 2019

Premier Doug Ford exposed a vulnerability in Ontario’s laws by using his long-finished and debt-free leadership campaign to continue to raise money… Ford has also exposed the inadequacies of federal campaign advertising laws with his anti-carbon tax TV commercials… Ford also says he’s doing nothing but following “the rules.”… These rule-skirting, self-serving moves do nothing but contribute to voter cynicism about politics and politicians.

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Students will suffer the real impact of Ford’s education cuts

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

These cuts will hurt struggling students, gifted students and generally make school a lot less interesting for all students. That’s because fewer teachers doesn’t just mean fewer classes. It also means fewer coaches for sports teams and fewer people to run everything from chess club to the school yearbook… Cutting teachers and increasing class sizes means fewer options and positive experiences for high school students across the province.

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Tories slash $17M from services for victims of violence

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government has cut the budget for financial supports to help victims of violence by more than $17 million… At $163.4 billion, Finance Minister Vic Fedeli’s budget is the largest in Ontario history. But MacLeod’s department took the biggest hit, down $892 million from last year’s estimate of $17.5 billion. That was due mostly due to changes Ontario’s social assistance programs, Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program.

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Ford’s deficit hype conceals Ontario’s dirty secret

Thursday, May 9th, 2019

… Ontario already has the lowest program spending (per capita) among Canada’s 10 provinces — before Ford’s spending cuts click in… While the provincial average for revenue (per capita) is $12,373, Ontario only collects $10,415 (per capita) — a significantly smaller amount… And Ford is making the problem worse by cutting taxes a further $3.6 billion a year… Ford’s measures — despite his claim to be acting “for the people” — redirect resources from ordinary people to corporations and the rich.

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Ontario’s budget based on math, not ideology

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

People in this province understand that Ontario must either right its fiscal ship or risk becoming a fiscal failed state. The interest on debt accumulated by the previous Liberal government is the single largest cut to frontline services in Ontario’s history.This is what responsibility, fiscal balance, and protecting what matters most looks like… This is what Premier Ford and our Progressive Conservative team were elected to do.

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If you don’t have a plan for the environment, you don’t have a plan for the economy

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Tackling climate change is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires transforming our economy, our workforce, and our communities though new thinking, smart technologies and an all-hands-on-deck effort led by youth, Indigenous peoples, farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, new Canadians and others… Our climate is changing. We can too.

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Doug Ford’s government is a axe-wielding agent of chaos

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

If you were serious about preserving or enhancing services while also making administration more effective and cost-efficient, what you might do is sit down with the people doing the work and figure out a plan with them to do things more effectively. And if you succeeded, you’d see better services materialize and costs lowered, and you could announce the proven savings in your next budget… This doesn’t appear to be a government making tough but worthwhile changes. It appears to be a government gleefully wielding a wrecking ball…

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Ford’s plan to eliminate teaching jobs gets a failing grade in new poll

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Even though the question echoed Ford’s insistence that no current teachers will lose their jobs, 62 per cent still opposed the change, with 23 per cent in favour and 15 per cent neither supporting or opposing or unsure… Similarly, those polled were not enthusiastic about the government’s plan to have high school students take four online classes over four years, with 57 per cent opposed…

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Ford government undermining foundation of Ontario’s success

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Success is the result of investing in growth, in access to education in a knowledge-based economy and the long-term health of the population. Public debt could be the most effective instrument to achieve beneficial results. The payback is profound. Many Canadians understand this relationship, wanting tax value, not tax cuts. What is of grave concern now is that the Ford administration is in the process of undermining the foundation of Ontario’s success in every field of public endeavour.

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Legal Aid Ontario has top-notch lawyers

Monday, May 6th, 2019

Our mixed model of staff and private bar service delivery is still the most cost-effective method of delivering legal services to over 700,000 people annually. Our goal is to see our clients get legal help and we will continue to do that cost-effectively… our front-line lawyers provide critical services for clients. Their jobs are not easy, and they are dedicated, tireless advocates for their clients.

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