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Let’s end the period taboo: Making menstrual products available is about dignity, nothing less

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Even with the products being tax exempt, they are unaffordable and inaccessible to some. Affordability and access need to be separately considered… Despite hoarding menstrual products in every nook and cranny possible, we all get caught from time to time without access to products. This is about helping women who are caught be able to finish their day without bleeding through their pants. It is about dignity.

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Doug Ford’s reversal on city cuts is just a brief ceasefire before the war resumes

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

In public policy terms, it means needed services are preserved for now. In political terms it means everyone involved lives to fight another day. But make no mistake: they will fight another day. Less than a year from now. And that battle early next year could be even messier and harder than this one that just finished.

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The hidden fiscal hole in Doug Ford’s budget that will keep on hurting

Sunday, May 26th, 2019

Never before has an Ontario government spent so much more to deliver so much less. Instead of getting greater value for money, we are losing what we value most — in education, transit, health care and social services.

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Ontario health minister’s ‘modernization’ plan: cut now, figure out the details later

Friday, May 24th, 2019

They’ll scold the city for being a free-spending bastion of lefties. They’ll complain about the deficit their predecessors ran up. But they will not commit to continuing to fully fund the programs they claim to want to continue and improve… At some point taxes will have to be raised, or programs will have to be cut. Despite what Elliott says, it appears those are the choices. Not good ones. But soon necessary.

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Posted in Health Delivery System | No Comments »

Ontario government slashes funding to children’s aid societies

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

The Ford government is reducing funding for children and youth at risk by $84.5 million, according to an analysis of provincial spending estimates by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies… The cut comes as 18 child protection agencies struggle with deficits totalling more than $12 million. The deficits have already forced some agencies to lay off staff and reduce the number of children at risk they take into care.

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Posted in Child & Family Delivery System | No Comments »

Doug Ford’s post-budget plan to declare bankruptcy

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

His first budget would recast him as a kinder, gentler premier. Not too tough, not too soft — just right. It didn’t go according to plan. By holding back the bad news… Ford’s Tories are belatedly paying a heavy price… Ford’s popularity is tumbling… Time for a change of plan… Instead of moderation, desperation and disruption are Ford’s new watchwords — because desperate times allow for desperate measures.

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Posted in Governance Debates | 1 Comment »

Ready, fire, aim: the Ford’s reckless approach on cutting costs

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

Whether it be kids with autism, students in high school music programs, people who rely on public health services, medical researchers or Toronto subway riders, the pattern is the same. The government announces a spending cut that takes everyone by surprise and then stands back as those directly involved scramble to puzzle out what just happened.Ontarians deserve better… At the bare minimum they deserve a government that figures out the effects of its actions before it pulls the trigger.

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Posted in Governance Policy Context | No Comments »

Health units worried about province’s plans to consolidate 35 agencies into 10

Monday, May 20th, 2019

The planned transformation comes as the government lowers its public health spending, requiring municipalities to contribute millions more to their health budgets than anticipated. By 2021-2022, the provincial cut is expected to be $200 million annually… The consolidation will nonetheless mean that health units will have to serve larger geographic regions, which include communities with different needs.

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Posted in Health Delivery System | No Comments »

How Ontario’s cuts to public health will hurt our patients

Sunday, May 19th, 2019

We are a group of resident physicians – doctors training to be family physicians and specialists – in Ontario… we have been taught the importance of disease prevention as one of the most important tools to keep people well and out of hospital… If your government truly is committed to ending “hallway medicine” and providing the possibility of healthier lives, we urge you to reconsider the proposed significant budget cuts to Public Health.

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Ford still doesn’t understand the difference between charity and government

Saturday, May 18th, 2019

Almost a year into the job, Ford still doesn’t seem to understand the difference between an act of personal charity and the necessary role of government. If Ford is a decent citizen who spends his personal time doing good deeds in the community, that’s really great. But it doesn’t absolve him, as premier, of leading a government with policies that help people, rather than hurt them.

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