Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Whacking the top one per cent with a tax hike not the bonanza Liberals hype

Saturday, November 28th, 2015

The notion that what fairness demanded most of all was a tax cut for the middle class — as opposed to a tax cut for the lowest class — was always a bit of a stretch. Had the Liberals cut the 15 per cent bottom rate, of course, they could have done both, since the cut would benefit not only those in the bottom bracket but also those above it. But since the point of the exercise was to bribe the middle, they were not about to waste precious dollars on the poor.

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Canada will implement UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Carolyn Bennett says

Saturday, November 14th, 2015

The Crown already has a constitutionally protected “duty to consult” with aboriginal peoples on issues that might affect their interests, but the UN declaration goes much further and calls on governments to obtain “free, prior and informed consent,” including when it comes to natural resources development… “We are committed to sitting down early, at the earliest possible moment, on every single thing that will affect indigenous people in Canada…”

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Are boomers really blocking the careers of the generation behind them?

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

… participation and employment rates for workers age 35 to 50 – roughly what we would call Gen X, the generation supposedly left to pick up whatever economic and career crumbs the boomers happened to drop – have held relatively steady for more than a decade. And far from having been pushed aside by the boomers, this group actually has much higher participation and employment levels than the boomers did at the same age

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Conservatives need an honest post-mortem

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

… former cabinet minister Jason Kenney has told anyone who will listen: “We got the big things right. We got the tone wrong.”… If Kenney intends to seek his party’s top job by putting a friendlier face on Harper’s policies, he will have to explain… What the Tories got right about the economy… job creation… immigration… regional development… political accountability… their relationship with First Nations, Métis and Inuit… [and/or] advancing Canadian values on the world stage

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Ontario’s new rules on carding are a welcome reform

Friday, October 30th, 2015

… the proposed changes should strengthen Ontario’s police services by boosting public trust and inspiring fresh confidence that those who serve and protect are carrying out their task in an unprejudiced manner. There’s no doubt public faith in police fairness has been severely undercut by the discredited practice of carding, or street checks… The draft regulation would “expressly prohibit the random and arbitrary collection of identifying information by police,” and it forbids collection based on race.

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Province sets strict new limits on police street checks

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Police officers will no longer be able to arbitrarily stop people for questioning based on their appearance or the neighbourhood they live in, Ontario’s minister of community safety and correctional services said Wednesday. Yasir Naqvi said police officers will also have to tell citizens that the stop is voluntary and that the person can walk away. The officers will be required to provide a reason for stop, as well as documentation and information about complaint mechanism.

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The causes of income inequality

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

In an open society, rewards are set… by impersonal market forces, the rewards of which will differ dramatically… Beyond [that] the entitlement state exists primarily to transfer wealth regressively, from the working-age population to the retired elderly… big, regulatory government inherently exacerbates inequality because it inevitably serves the strong — those sufficiently educated, affluent, articulate and confident to influence the administrative state’s myriad redistributive actions.

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Strong middle class vs. equitable society

Friday, October 16th, 2015

What is missing? 1. A national early learning plan. A child’s life chances are largely determined by the age of five… 2. A national income floor. Wages and welfare levels have fallen below the poverty line… 3. A toolbox to curb corporate excesses… closing tax loopholes, cancelling subsidies, hiking government fees and letting lucrative contracts lapse… 4. A clear commitment to low-income Canadians that they will not be left behind.

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Social spending gap to favour seniors: election analysis

Friday, October 16th, 2015

… the four major parties have all promised a significantly higher amount of new investment dollars by 2019/20 to Canadians over 65-years-old compared to their younger counterparts… the Conservatives will do 18 cents per person under 45 for every dollar they put into a retiree, the NDP will do 27 cents, the Liberals will be 28 cents, and the Greens will do 34 cents… “There’s lots of challenges with having to delay family planning or home ownership, the possibility of that is much less…

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Let’s throw off the yoke of patriarchy

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Pay inequity is discriminatory – period. We don’t need a fancy show committee of experts to tell us this. More study is nothing more than a stalling tactic for society and governments to confront the real core equity problem in society – patriarchy… The question is why should we underwrite injustice in a supposedly democratic society? … Patriarchy has become so ingrained in our social culture and psyche that it has become normalized and virtually invisible – even when it is blindingly obvious

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