Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Better is Always Possible: A Federal Plan to Tackle Poverty and Inequality

Friday, February 19th, 2016

… the fight to eliminate poverty and inequality is far from over… This paper… proposes the terms of a comprehensive federal poverty reduction plan. If the government is serious about its campaign pledge to bring real economic opportunities to more people, the practical and affordable policy tools outlined here will take them some way toward that goal.

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Ottawa must do more for Indigenous children

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

… the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s… denunciated Canada for its long-standing racial discrimination against Indigenous children… Even at the height of regional suicide epidemics we see a bureaucratic lethargy or indifference that is chilling… The tribunal may have ruled on the discriminatory application of child welfare services, but that is just one example of the systemic mean-spiritedness that runs through every department that deals with Indigenous Canadians.

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Taxing the rich

Monday, February 15th, 2016

… what role does state-sponsored welfare play when the rich refuse to provide employees with enough hours or wages to make a living, and dump the shortcomings in an acceptable living standard onto taxpayers? Stop whacking the rich? Give me a break. / The existence of the one per cent is the trigger for the globalization of illiteracy, unemployment and poverty particularly among the young. Tax the wealthy, by all means.

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It takes more than money to close an education gap

Friday, February 12th, 2016

It is argued that… better education for the youth on reserves, even isolated ones, will improve conditions if not solve problems. This assertion assumes that if young people did receive a solid education, they would remain on the reserves, a dubious proposition… The fact of being educated on reserves with so few opportunities, small populations and isolated geographies produces the disparities. We are kidding ourselves if we think otherwise.

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The High Cost of Getting Ahead: How Effective Tax Rates Affect Work Decisions by Lower-Income Families

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Secondary earners in low-income families, usually the mother, face punishingly high tax burdens, according to the latest report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “The High Cost of Getting Ahead: How Effective Tax Rates Affect Work Decisions by Lower-Income Families,” author Alexandre Laurin finds that various federal and provincial government benefit programs, once they are clawed back with income, act like hidden tax rates, reducing the gains from work.

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How to fix Ontario’s fragmented child welfare system

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

While greater coordination can be achieved through shared services and further amalgamations of children’s aid societies, the greatest gains would come from local service planning and co-ordination across levels of government, and sectors such as child welfare, youth justice, education and developmental services. Simcoe County’s Child, Youth and Family Services Coalition is an example of integrated planning and joint work to improve services.

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On residential school claims, Ottawa must pay what is owed

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

This is an obvious breach of the spirit of an agreement that was the only proper response to the cruel legacy of Canada’s residential school system, in which for more than 100 years native children were taken from their families, raised in Christian schools and stripped of their native identities. It was a stain on Canada’s history, one that the compensation program, along with the government’s apology and the subsequent report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, was meant to help lighten.

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Don’t forget that women’s rights are a recent invention

Monday, February 1st, 2016

One hundred years ago, most women won the right to vote in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan, thanks to Nellie McClung and her stalwarts… It wasn’t until 1960 that all Canadian women got the vote… Canada needs prominent feminists. But it wasn’t until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chose a cabinet with gender parity that Canadians began discussing women’s rights with a kind of fervour. Feminism will not be achieved by women alone.

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Fiscal policy driven by discrimination

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

“It is only because of their race and/or national or ethnic origin that they suffer the adverse impacts . . . . in the provision of child and family services,’’ the Tribunal ruled. “Furthermore, these adverse impacts perpetuate the historical disadvantage and trauma suffered by aboriginal people, in particular as a result of the residential schools system.’’… This discriminatory system did happen under their watch, she says, although most were never made aware of the inequities perpetrated on aboriginal children.

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Canada discriminates against children on reserves, tribunal rules

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

The federal government discriminates against First Nation children on reserves… the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ruled. the federal government’s funding model and management of its First Nations child and family services “resulted in denials of services and created various adverse impacts for many First Nations children and families living on reserves.” The decision says the government must “cease the discriminatory practice and take measures to redress and prevent it.”

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