Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Give First Nations children an equal chance

Sunday, September 24th, 2017

First Nations children are uniquely affected by federal underfunding of services on-reserve… Your government has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on litigation to resist full implementation of the tribunal’s decisions – a move that is incompatible with your pledged support for a new partnership with First Nations, and all Indigenous people in Canada and their governments… We are asking you to implement the tribunal’s decisions immediately…

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The Personal Philanthropy Project: Research… (Part 1)

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

… many affluent Canadians do not plan or budget for their giving, and most do not have a sense of appropriate giving amounts. With that in mind, and armed with these research findings, there seems to be a tremendous opportunity to establish some type of guideline or informational framework rooted in a new social norm for giving, at least for this cohort of higher-earning Canadians.

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Now is the time for Ottawa to create a path to progress with Indigenous people

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

On this day in 2007, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which sets out minimum standards necessary “for the dignity, survival and well-being of Indigenous peoples,” was adopted by the UN General Assembly. Let this be the year that sees the leaders of all federal parties agree to work with each other and with Indigenous peoples to make the full and effective implementation of the declaration a priority.

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Our incomes may have grown, but lower earners are still losing

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

The census tells a tale of amazing prosperity for the already well-to-do, with individual incomes for those standing at the top one per cent growing by 48 per cent since 1985… One in seven, that’s also the fraction of Canadians living in what Statistics Canada carefully calls “low income.” … one in seven is exactly the fraction of low-income Canadians recorded in the 2005 census.

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Rising incomes aren’t being shared as widely as they should

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

In fact, the share of Canadians living in low-income households actually increased slightly to 14.2 per cent (that’s 4.8 million people) from 14 per cent in 2005. Seniors fared the worst, with 14.5 per cent living in poverty, up from 12 per cent in the previous decade. And while the percentage of children living in poverty was down slightly to 17.8 from 18.8 per cent, the picture is still alarming.

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Get sexist language out of the Indian Act

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

… the Liberal government is insisting on passing a law that fails to fully address sex discrimination in the Indian Act. It is defending a version of the bill that goes only part way and will be vulnerable to a court challenge as soon as it is passed… members of the newly feisty Senate… are insisting that Bill S-3, the law in question, be amended to remove all vestiges of sexist language that affects who qualifies to be legally regarded as a status Indian.

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Canada’s Impossible Acknowledgment

Friday, September 8th, 2017

… acknowledging traditional lands… is beginning to emerge as a kind of accidental pledge of allegiance for Canada—a statement made before any undertaking with a national purpose…. the process of reconciliation between Canada and its First Nations has stalled, repeating the cycles of overpromising and underdelivering that have marred their relationship from the beginning… Nonetheless, the acknowledgment is spreading. No level of government has mandated the practice; it is spreading of its own accord.

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Nurses announce support of proposed tax changes that have doctors fuming

Friday, September 8th, 2017

“Nurses have told us that they believe people should pay their fair share, and the principle of paying people well for what they do is always the foundation. If you have advanced education, you’re in a job where you need a lot of skills and knowledge, you should be paid well for that. But you should also be taxed fairly for that, because income is income.”

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Why the Liberals’ proposed tax changes are taking a pounding

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

The changes do not target small business, or doctors, as such: only those who turn themselves into corporations… It is that they pay so much less in tax than other small businesses, and other doctors, of equivalent income: the ones who did not incorporate. The former pay less tax than the latter, not because they work harder, or take more risks, but solely because they are incorporated.

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The Liberals can and should win this fight against the rich

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

Since high earners have the means and the incentive to make use of tax planning strategies to shelter income from taxation, higher tax rates typically result in lower amounts of reported taxable income. Tax revenues may increase, but not appreciably… the Liberals raised the top personal income tax rate, many top earners were able to manoeuvre around it, and now the Liberals want to make it harder to shelter income from the top rate.

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