Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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How $15 billion in bonuses leaves bankers gloomy

Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

The country’s six largest banks are dishing out $15 billion in bonuses this year. But, in the eyes of some, this isn’t enough… It… reveals how misleading media reports can be, particularly about high finance, with insiders allowed to peddle their self-serving agendas unchallenged… Canada’s big six banks have gotten away with paying extremely low taxes — the lowest in the G7.

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How doctors discovered the true causes of drug addiction

Saturday, December 14th, 2019

The tenets of personal responsibility, prosperity and an obligation to avoid harm that make up the prevailing American ethos have been eclipsed by the reality that systemic racism, a self-protecting oligarchy and political structures resistant to change… We know it matters less whether someone could take the nipple as a baby as whether they were born into poverty.

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Ontario’s mental-health crisis, Part 2: The good, the bad, and the ugly of OHIP-covered care

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Roughly 2 million Ontarians seek mental-health care each year… And the system is massively skewed by geographical constraints. A study in 2009, for example, found that, while there were 63 psychiatrists per 100,000 residents in the Toronto region, some remote parts of the province had barely four per 100,000 — a whopping fifteenfold difference… And timeliness matters.

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People who live in Ontario’s poorest neighbourhoods more likely to suffer avoidable deaths: study

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Researchers at ICES, a non-profit research institute that uses population-based health information, found 124,000 avoidable deaths in the “most materially deprived areas” between 1993 and 2014. That’s compared to 66,000 avoidable deaths in the most well-off areas, where average income, education and employment levels were highest… progress is being made [but] people living in the most well-off neighbourhoods seem to be benefiting the most.

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Broadbent Institute Tax Index

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

It’s time to take stock of who’s not paying their fair share. From tax dodging and loopholes, to historically declining tax rates for the most wealthy, Canada is missing out on over $40 billion in revenue every year. Here are the numbers:

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Do tax policies that contribute to competitiveness also create inequality?

Sunday, December 1st, 2019

Tax levels are rarely the first consideration for investors, unless the “investment” is a tax dodge… regulations matter, proximity to markets matter; and so do… a healthy and well-educated work force, well-maintained infrastructure, reliable energy, transportation and communications systems, and a robust justice system backed by widely trusted social institutions.

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What Don Cherry might not know about all those who fought for freedom

Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Their service is rendered even more special by their willingness to fight for the freedom of others in spite of their own exclusion, and the hope that their sacrifice would help our country achieve equality. That fight for equal treatment continues to this day… We need to tell the complete story of the wars, one that includes the sacrifices made by people of all colours and creeds in shaping the Canada we pride ourselves on today.

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Should billionaires continue to exist?

Friday, November 1st, 2019

A bold tax policy package is sorely needed to address this kind of wealth hoarding, which contributes to soaring inequality. Along with a host of other progressive measures, the wealth tax in particular sits in the enviable position of being at the nexus of both good policy and good politics.

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A levy on consumption makes for more efficient taxation

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

… there is growing recognition of the need for an objective, politically neutral tax reform commission to comprehensively examine possible improvements… our tax system has evolved based mostly on short-term political considerations… a shift of the tax base away from its current heavy reliance on taxing income, and toward taxing consumption… would include annual income… plus other annual cash inflows that increase ability to consume

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UN report blasts ‘abhorrent’ housing conditions of Canada’s Indigenous people

Monday, October 21st, 2019

… housing conditions for Indigenous peoples around the world are overwhelmingly abhorrent and too often violate the right to adequate housing,” the report reads. “(Indigenous people) are more likely to suffer inadequate housing and negative health outcomes as a result, they have disproportionately high rates of homelessness and they are extremely vulnerable to forced evictions, land-grabbing and the effects of climate change.”

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