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Is Ford government reconsidering welfare cuts? Provincial directive fuels speculation

Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

The Ford government has directed municipalities to “destroy” more than 240,000 inserts to October welfare cheques outlining previously announced cuts to social assistance this fall… The insert to be destroyed includes notification that the $67 million Transition Child Benefit, is being eliminated Nov. 1. It also includes information about changes to earnings exemptions…

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Economic analysis of child benefit bolsters case for national basic income

Thursday, September 19th, 2019

The Canada Child Benefit has not only lifted kids out of poverty, but it has boosted the country’s economy by $139 billion since 2016, according to a new economic analysis of the initiative… Every dollar Ottawa spends in child benefits generates almost $2 in economic activity, says the report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis

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Ford promised to fix hallway medicine. But it’s getting worse

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

… the Ford government has wasted more than a year when it had the power to do something about it… what we already know are the fixes to hallway medicine: more home-care services and long-term care beds… This past June was the worst June on record for hospital overcrowding since the province began collecting statistics more than a decade ago.

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Make no mistake: elections do make a difference

Saturday, September 14th, 2019

… four big areas: Technology and the nature of work… Achieving some kind of stability amid the storm requires innovative approaches to education, training and social programs / Sharing the benefits of prosperity… individuals, indeed entire sectors of the new economy, aren’t paying their share / … alliances… As a trading nation, that’s of vital concern to Canada. Jobs are at stake. / Climate change and energy…

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To succeed in Ontario, leaders must understand we are Red Tories at heart

Friday, September 13th, 2019

In general, Ontarians are wary of abrupt change. They tend to value competent management over ideology. They usually see balance as a virtue. This is the Tory side of Red Tory-ism. But voters in Canada’s largest province are also willing to use the state to achieve social goals… In 1969, pressure from voters ultimately forced a recalcitrant Ontario government to sign onto Canada’s national, public medicare program. That is the Red side.

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Reconciliation is nothing to fear, it will benefit all Canadians

Thursday, September 12th, 2019

By empowering First Nation communities and their members to run their own businesses and hire their own Indigenous professionals, this will create a partnership between First Nations and nearby non-Indigenous communities. This partnership is past due and will be beneficial to all Canadians. This is the kind of reconciliation we can all be proud of.

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Ontario’s top judges slam Ford government over cuts to legal aid

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

Ontario’s most senior judges delivered a rare public rebuke Tuesday of the Ford government’s cuts to legal aid funding… Critics had already said that for years the legal aid system has been underfunded, resulting in individuals being turned down for assistance as they made too much money to qualify, yet also did not make enough to hire their own lawyer.

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Ontario boosts money for home and community care to alleviate hospital overcrowding

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

Ontario’s government is putting $11 million more than planned into home and community care this year in a bid to lower the number of patients being treated in the hallways of overcrowded hospitals, says Health Minister Christine Elliott. The money is on top of $144 million announced in the spring budget and includes $45 million aimed at “high need” areas where problems are most severe…

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Is giving parents money directly the best approach to child-care funding?

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

… decentralizing the provision of child care by giving money directly to parents provides the advantages of competitive consumer markets: greater choices, innovation in staffing, various facility types, and more flexible hours and modes of care. // … giving money to parents won’t create more safe, high quality licensed child care… [which] most parents would choose if it was better funded to make it more available, affordable and designed to meet their needs.

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PC MPP who referees Ontario’s legislature wants to see better behaviour

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

Speaker Ted Arnott singles out “repeated and contrived standing ovations” in the legislature’s daily question period, noting they “do not lead us to a higher standard of parliamentary decorum.” … “No question is enhanced by a gratuitous personal insult, and no response is elevated by the dismissive avoidance of a legitimate issue raised…

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