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Our health-care leaders wilfully ignored the benefits of virtual walk-in medical care

Sunday, January 22nd, 2023

Conflating an association between virtual walk-in clinic visits and added ER visits with causation perpetuates the thinking of our health-care leaders’ that virtual walk-in clinics are subpar… How will our leaders explain all this to the 1.8 million Ontarians without a doctor, and to the millions more who cannot access their doctor in a timely fashion, who have had virtual care — their health care lifeline — mercilessly taken away from them?

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Trusting the Ford government to get health reform right? That’s a big ask

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

… if you want doctors working overnight on-call shifts when you have a medical emergency, you want doctors to be associated with hospitals… public hospitals aren’t for-profit but they have budgets, and they make money on the easy procedures so that they can afford to handle the hard, necessary, more laborious ones… farming out easy surgeries without expanding public capacity needs to be considered carefully.

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Our health-care system is broken. More of the same won’t fix it

Monday, January 16th, 2023

In fact, Canadian medicare is more costly than ever, and more expensive than in other countries with universal health care, yet less responsive to patient needs. What’s the remedy? … medicare has long relied on private operators who take payment from the government – not the patient – to deliver those services… voters will tire of the ideological rigidity that conflates medicare’s commendable values with a system that doesn’t always deliver measurable value for money.

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Something really, really must be done: an urgent plea for the Canada Disability Benefit to become law in 2023

Monday, January 16th, 2023

The Canada Disability Benefit, a proposed federal disability benefit to complement the inadequate provincial supports, is essential to ending disability poverty… it is also essential that, with the implementation of CDB, there are no clawbacks, that health benefits, transportation allowances, adaptive equipment, employment supports and other in-kind benefits, available from provincial and territorial governments, must remain intact.

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Public safety comes from curbing violence, not just reacting to it

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Smart investment in tackling the root causes of violence reduces the need for police responses after the fact… It is time to get upstream of the emergencies. Not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because it will alleviate the need for annual increases to policing that take away from so many other budget priorities.

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Posted in Child & Family Debates | No Comments »

Why don’t we zone for rental apartments?

Sunday, January 8th, 2023

The speculation-driven condo business model encourages high prices for land, a dynamic that favours firms that want to get in and out quickly instead of operating a rental building for decades… a dynamic encouraged by the strange fact that apartment buildings are taxed higher than condos. Today, we build almost nothing but condos.

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Health-care reform needs the discipline of deadlines

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Health-care needs more money. But money without the certainty of reform merely sets up the next cycle of failure. Political pressure might force each participant into agreeing to hard targets for improvement by set dates, before money is allowed to be on the agenda… The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) exists, in part, for just such a task. A rolling 12-month evaluation on progress toward agreed targets could become a permanent feature of Canadian health care.

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As pediatric emergency rooms stretch to breaking, nurses have real solutions for health crisis

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

Provinces can legislate to reduce workloads by implementing safe nurse-to-patient ratios and make targeted investments in retention initiatives. The federal government should also be making direct investments to support return and recruitment initiatives, including mental health programming… Nurses are also recommending the federal government establish a collaborative health workforce council of provincial and territorial health ministries.

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How workers are being sacrificed to a doctrine that intentionally keeps unemployment high

Saturday, December 24th, 2022

The economy risks serious recession from an interest shock that was neither necessary, nor effective in reducing inflation… Hundreds of thousands of Canadians could lose their jobs, and many their homes. Why? They’re being sacrificed to visibly reassert a doctrine that keeps unemployment deliberately high – not just to control inflation, but more importantly to control workers.

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Here is a health care to-do list for the federal government

Saturday, December 17th, 2022

The major question in the federal/provincial/territorial debate on health care funding should not be on whether there should be conditions but on what these conditions should be… with funding withheld or returned when these conditions are not met… Addressing health care means… moving on to how can we build a public health-care system that works across the country and for our populations in all their diversity.

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