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Canada Child Benefit hailed for reducing poverty, as families get boosted payments

Friday, July 21st, 2023

In 2021, 7.4 per cent of Canadians lived in poverty, down from 12.9 per cent in 2016 when the benefit came into place… the “intensity” of poverty was also reduced… “But for those in deeper poverty, the benefit probably isn’t yet big enough to lift them up and over the [low income threshold].”

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Did the Bank of Canada just push Canada over the tipping point?

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Profits as a share of GDP have averaged 21 per cent since the start of the pandemic and profit margins are higher too… We need policymakers at every level to address the real causes of excess/persistent inflation — profiteering, financialization, undersupply and supply chain bottlenecks. Without that we’re all left worse off regardless of the level of inflation. 

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While Ford pampers spa users, our school kids fend for themselves

Thursday, July 13th, 2023

The government’s miserly approach to funding our children’s education seems curious in such a rich province… The government is actually swimming in money — even as it hollows out key public programs, underfunding schools, shutting down hospital emergency wards and doing nothing for the homeless beyond allowing developers to build ever more condos that are quickly sold to high-income buyers… The notion that we can’t afford a strong public sector has always been a scam.

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Canada Child Benefit payments to increase this month for many families. Here’s how much it’s going up

Thursday, July 13th, 2023

Introduced in 2016, the CCB replaced the taxable Universal Child Care Benefit… The CCB is intended to provide increased support to low- and middle-income families with children. Families with an adjusted net income under $34,863 will receive the maximum amount for each child… The federal government indexed the CCB to ensure benefits keep up with inflation.

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Black Canadians suffer racism in the justice system. Efforts are needed to address it.

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

To be sure, the police aren’t alone in their disparate treatment of Black Canadians and other racial minorities. Police are, inevitably, singled out given their role on the front line of the justice system… racial bias is a systemic problem. And rectifying that will require not just apologies, but a concerted, thoroughgoing effort to eradicate the racism that threatens the very ideals animating and inspiring our system, and our society.

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The criminalization of drugs creates more crime than it prevents

Sunday, June 25th, 2023

Illegal drug use is, always has been, and always will be a public health issue. Legal drugs are consumed to get through life — or simply escape life’s despair. Users inevitably end up addicted. This is a public health issue and instead of treating it as such, we waste incalculable millions trying to treat it as a criminal issue. So why do we not scrap the whole insane criminalization strategy and decriminalize all drugs? Profits. 

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Ford government’s education playbook: manifest a crisis, ignore research, abandon educators

Sunday, May 28th, 2023

With significant efforts on behalf of the government to manifest a crisis, ignore research, and leave educators to fend for themselves, there seems to be an insidious plan to dismantle publicly funded education… Ontario deserves a government that believes in public education and values its educators, students, families, and communities.

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Time to end violations of Canada Health Act with illegal fees for service

Sunday, May 28th, 2023

…Bill 60… expressly enables the transfer of surgeries and diagnostics from public hospitals to for-profit clinics… We categorically do not need private clinics to cut surgical wait times. Virtually every public hospital has operating rooms that are closed evenings, overnight and on weekends. They should be funded and staffed to open to full capacity to clear backlogs. 

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Preventive health care: Why privately funded programs are reluctant to fund it

Monday, May 8th, 2023

Within a publicly funded care model, there is a vested interest to mandate and fund preventative health measures as government payers are accountable for sustainable health care budgets. Recognizing that early prevention can reduce costs down the road, governments are more willing to pay for screening services for patients at risk… the ability to predict the individual risk of patients using artificial intelligence is incredibly exciting in the health care space.

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Should we be taking money off Canadians’ paycheques for long-term care?

Thursday, May 4th, 2023

A public — not private — long-term-care insurance program could help pay for costly and unexpected expenses due to ill health or fragility that can be financially devastating… many will spend their later years living on a basic retirement income that likely won’t cover the thousands of dollars needed for health-related services, such as home care from private-pay personal support workers or nursing home “accommodation” co-payment fees. 

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