Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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On Inequality Denial

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

… inequality denial persists, for pretty much the same reasons that climate change denial persists: there are powerful groups with a strong interest in rejecting the facts, or at least creating a fog of doubt…
the concentration of both income and wealth in the hands of a few people has increased greatly over the past few decades… rags to riches and riches to rags stories are rare — inequality in average incomes over multiple years isn’t much less than inequality in a given year… taxes and benefits don’t greatly change the picture

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Canadian-born visible minority youth facing an unfair job future

Friday, May 30th, 2014

One possible solution is to enact employment legislation requiring employers to take active measures to eliminate discrimination and to promote more inclusive hiring practices. Such legislation still covers federally regulated employers, but Ontario’s employment equity act was repealed in 1995 by the Harris government. We are storing up trouble if we fail to discuss how to promote employment equity when the labour force is becoming ever more diverse, and the fact of discrimination is apparent.

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Thomas Piketty’s body blow to conventional economic wisdom

Monday, May 26th, 2014

He does not begin by enunciating an abstract theory and then testing it. Rather, he collects a mass of information – the megadata of history of many countries from many sources – graphs it, and looks for patterns. In fact, they virtually leap off the page… in a world where economics has become a veritable servant of power, this could be his greatest contribution.

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It’s time to give new life to our First Nations treaties

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

… pushing ahead with developments in treaty lands without aboriginal consent and agreement is reckless public policy, and creates uncertainty that plagues projects with legal, financial, moral and on-the-ground uncertainty… The honourable thing to do – and indeed the economic and environmentally smart thing to do – is treaty renewal that provides honourable implementation of the treaties and ensures that treaty rights and environmental protections are considered

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UN report on aboriginals misses the central dilemma

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

The entire constitutional, political, economic and sociological structures of aboriginal Canada have been based for many decades now on parallelism within Canada, a hard sell to the rest of the population that is strongly integrationist… The rhetoric and political pressuring of aboriginal leadership has been to disassociate their communities to the greatest extent possible from mainstream Canada by, on the one hand, creating parallel institutions while simultaneously, in many but not all cases, objecting to avenues for creating wealth on lands they claim or own.

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Canada’s aboriginal well-being efforts ‘insufficient,’ UN envoy says

Monday, May 12th, 2014

He urges the federal government to: Consult aboriginal people and address any ​”any outstanding concerns” related to Bill C-33, the government’s First Nations education bill; Launch “a comprehensive, nationwide inquiry” into the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal women; Ensure the mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is extended; Take “urgent action” to address the housing crisis both on and off reserves; Provide “sufficient funding” for services both on and off reserves, including in areas of education, health and child welfare

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On Capitalism, We Are All Pikettists Now

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Piketty sees a possible alternative [to Marx’s predictions]: a worldwide universal, progressive tax regime… we need to make the one per cent understand that every dollar, pound and euro they make ultimately comes from the elaborate infrastructure the rest of us have created. They only exploit it. They are not the job creators; we are the wealth creators. They have no more right to a free lunch than we do, and high incomes warrant high taxes.

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How Thomas Piketty Destroys Libertarian Talking Points

Monday, May 5th, 2014

… it wasn’t the magic of capitalism that reduced inequality during a brief, halcyon period after the New Deal and the Second World War. It was the forces of various economic shocks plus policies the government put in place to respond to them that changed America from a top-heavy society in the Gilded Age to something more egalitarian in the post-war years… What we are headed for, after several decades of free market mania, is super inequality.. Which essentially means freedom for the rich, and no one else.

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Who cares about inequality? Wonks

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

… the progressive elites have been completely captured by the declinist narrative. It goes like this: Class lines are hardening, the middle class is shrinking, mobility is disappearing and a filthy rich plutocratic class of 0.1-per-centers are becoming increasingly entrenched. Unless we do something, social unrest is all but inevitable… There’s just one problem with this. Although highly educated social progressives are alarmed by the scenario, hardly anybody else is.

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Court says Métis are Ottawa’s responsibility. Here’s why the PM shouldn’t Appeal

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

While I welcome the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal on the Métis nation’s special relationship with Canada, I favor working with the federal government to define this relationship through negotiated agreements. When there is no mutual will to negotiate, however, the courts inevitably become the only recourse.

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