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Want to know which political parties are targeting you on Facebook?

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

If you are on Facebook… chances are you’ve already given some thought to why certain ads are appearing in your newsfeed… Who Targets Me… [is] an Internet-based effort to help voters see which political parties are trying to catch their interest on Facebook… you’ll be able to learn whether you’ve been targeted because of your age, gender, your geography or maybe even your interests.

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Impressive GDP numbers don’t tell the real story of the economy and inequality

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

From 1982 to 2015, the share of total income going to those in the top 1 per cent grew from 8 per cent to 14.2 per cent — a jump of 78 per cent. Meanwhile, the share of income going to the bottom 50 per cent — half the country — fell by 29 per cent. So while our economy has grown, the bulk of those gains are flowing to the richest 1 per cent of people.

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Ford’s slogans aren’t fixing health care

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

This past June was the worst June on record for hospital overcrowding since the province began collecting statistics in 2008 to track so-called “hallway medicine.” … the immediate needs of Ontario’s home care system, long-term care homes and hospitals are largely being ignored while the government focuses on a much-publicized but little-understood overhaul of health care.

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Worst June on record for ‘hallway medicine’ at Ontario hospitals

Friday, September 6th, 2019

Hospital overcrowding for the month of June hit a record high this year, according to the Ontario Hospital Association… the sector has been in austerity mode for more than a decade… At the same time, more than 4,500 patients were occupying hospital beds during the month even though they no longer required hospital care.

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Long-term care cuts harming seniors

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

“Respect the vulnerable …” These words were buried in Doug Ford’s campaign “Plan for Ontario,” along with a promise to, “Commit resources to combat … elder abuse.” Really? As shown by the initial results of the latest cuts to long-term care, it seems the Ford government is more focused on committing elder abuse than combating it

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More than 100 Toronto emergency room professionals urge province to reverse public health cuts

Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

“Our emergency departments and hospitals are under tremendous stress, and there is no end in sight for hallway medicine,” according to the letter… “Keeping people healthy and out of the emergency department is good for patients, our hospitals, taxpayers and ultimately the entire community.”

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Are Ontario Health Teams designed for failure?

Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

The ministry has left it to the teams to describe how OHT’s will plan and decide on regional service delivery. There is no requirement for community or patient/family engagement in service planning… Rather than community integration led by public demand for services in mental health or community care, OHT’s seem at risk for becoming hospital-driven organizations, where the strength of the hospital board governs decisions in the region.

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Lots at stake for working families in this election

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

Can Canadians afford a government that cares more about private corporations and tax cuts for the super-rich than it does about everyday working people? Can we risk electing a government that refuses to address the climate catastrophe? Can we accept a government that is prepared to exploit people’s fear and insecurity to fuel racism and intolerance?

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Scheer’s election slogan undermines the Canadian way

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

Andrew Scheer… (is) following the lead of “populist” politicians like Donald Trump and Doug Ford, who dismantle public services and abandon social responsibility by preaching “me” instead of “we.” Scheer could have chosen the slogan “Time for us to get ahead.” But he didn’t.

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Innovative dementia care models show the way forward

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

… we can and should think about how to bring… core principles — a life with some purpose, individualized care and more choice — into our long-term care industry writ large… Long-term care homes operate in a provincial system that focuses them on tasks and regulatory compliance rather than the broader health and happiness of residents.

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