Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Canada Signs Historic Post-Secondary Education Agreement with Métis Nation

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

The Government of Canada Budget 2019 proposed an investment of $362-million over 10 years and $40-million ongoing to support Métis Nation post-secondary education, with the goal of supporting over 7,000 Métis Nation post-secondary students… This Sub-Accord will establish new approaches aimed at improving the education outcomes of Métis Nation students and programs and support three activity streams including student support, community-based programs and services, and governance capacity.

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The genetics of genocide: I’m healing so my future daughter doesn’t have to

Friday, June 7th, 2019

Genocide? In Canada? Maybe your first instinct is to deny it. I challenge you to hear the truth in it. All of my relatives already know this to be true because of what we’ve experienced. We’re intimately aware of the reality that Canada doesn’t want us to exist… When you remove women from our communities, or disenfranchise them, the seeds of genocide are planted. Unlike a massacre, with genocide you don’t really see the bloodshed. Instead there is just loss, and it’s usually invisible to those committing it – or worse, denied.

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What happened to missing and murdered Indigenous women was horrific, but it wasn’t genocide

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

These crimes, though horrific and far too numerous, were certainly not “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part” a particular racial or ethnic group by the co-ordinated efforts of some other racial or ethnic group… 90 per cent of these murders are committed by Indigenous men who knew their victims; 72 per cent of Aboriginal women are murdered mainly in their homes; very few women involved in the sex trade, whether Indigenous or not, are murdered by their clients…

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The MMIWG report was searing and important, marred only by its inaccurate genocide charge

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

… the commissioners’ otherwise excellent report was marred by the gratuitous charge that Canada has committed, and continues to commit, genocide against its Indigenous populations. Not cultural genocide, a concept that is broadly accepted today with reference to the attempted obliteration of aboriginal culture in the Indian Residential Schools, but all-out genocide – without qualification… the National Inquiry… conflated the recent murders of women and girls with the entirety of the Indigenous experience in Canada

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At MMIW report’s heart, a contradiction that’s impossible to ignore

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

… the data… suggests a truth airbrushed by the commissioners: Indigenous men commit the majority of acts of violence against Indigenous women… Not always, but most often. There are mitigating circumstances — crimes are committed by people for whom violence has become normalized, often because they themselves were victimized in childhood. The residential schools system’s legacy is with us still, affecting generations of Indigenous people and their children.

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Ottawa should act on report on murdered and missing women, with all its flaws

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Ensuring such basic things as safe housing, clean drinking water and affordable food for Indigenous people should be beyond debate; it’s shameful that we’re still falling so short. There are already stacks of recommendations in these areas, and the government would be well-advised to focus first and foremost on issues more closely connected with the issue at hand: the violence visited on Indigenous women and girls far out of proportion to their share in the population.

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Federal government to launch Equality Fund to entrench women’s rights and gender equality

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019

… the Equality Fund… will be used to raise even more money from philanthropists and community organizations, and then divvied up among underfunded organizations that advocate for women’s rights and gender equality… The government money is the stimulus, but the longevity of the fund and its ability to act quickly and with flexibility come from the power of the non-governmental organizations, philanthropists and foundations involved in the collaboration.

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Let’s end the period taboo: Making menstrual products available is about dignity, nothing less

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Even with the products being tax exempt, they are unaffordable and inaccessible to some. Affordability and access need to be separately considered… Despite hoarding menstrual products in every nook and cranny possible, we all get caught from time to time without access to products. This is about helping women who are caught be able to finish their day without bleeding through their pants. It is about dignity.

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The economy is on the rise. So why aren’t we getting happier?

Saturday, May 25th, 2019

In an age when the global economy keeps growing at a steady pace and poverty keeps falling, why isn’t humanity getting happier? … once essential needs are met, it’s other factors, such as the strength of community bonds and social trust, that often matter most… it’s high time to start thinking about new ways of assessing social progress… Canada, as a country, has yet to start thinking seriously about new benchmarks and measures

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Ottawa can easily fix sex discrimination in the Indian Act – but we’re still waiting

Friday, May 24th, 2019

It only requires a cabinet decision to pass an order-in-council. Cabinet simply has to decide to bring into force the provisions that were included in the 2017 amendment at the insistence of the Senate. These provisions would finally entitle women and their descendants to full status on the same footing as their male counterparts, and at last remove the discrimination against the maternal line.

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