Archive for the ‘Equality Delivery System’ Category
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Internet access for all should be a promise made by all political parties in the upcoming federal election.
Friday, August 23rd, 2019
this country once recognized that the telephone was an essential service and made sure it was affordable. And the CRTC has even mandated that companies provide so-called “skinny,” affordable cable packages for low-income families. Now it’s time to make sure all Canadians are able to connect to the internet.
Tags: budget, ideology, participation, standard of living
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In a push for diversity, medical schools overhaul how they select Canada’s future doctors
Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
Ninety-two per cent of NOSM students have grown up in Northern Ontario, and the other 8 per cent are from rural and remote parts of the rest of Canada. About 2 per cent of applicants are Indigenous, but in the past few years the selection system has been tweaked to increase the number of successful Indigenous applicants, including giving them training to succeed in the interview process.
Tags: Health, ideology, Indigenous, multiculturalism, participation
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Justin Trudeau made reconciliation a top priority. Four years later, what’s changed?
Sunday, July 21st, 2019
Annual funding for health services, education, children’s programs, housing and more has jumped by 50 per cent, from $11 billion in 2015-16 to more than $17 billion slated for 2021-22… Yet striking disparities remain… “There’s still a huge socio-economic gap between First Nations and the rest of Canadians. And that gap is not going to close in one, two or three years,” Bellegarde said. “You need long-term, sustained investments.”
Tags: budget, featured, Health, housing, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, participation, rights, standard of living
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Indigenous health care needs won’t be served by Ford government’s plan
Saturday, July 6th, 2019
… by centralizing health care decisions, the Ontario government is… returning to a top-down approach where health-care needs are decided by the few for the many… The new agency threatens to derail nearly three years of negotiations between Ontario, the federal government and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) concerning turning over decision-making power about health care to 49 northern nations so they can bring health-care services closer to home… Suicide, diabetes, addiction and food insecurity must be tackled by Indigenous people for Indigenous people.
Tags: budget, Health, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, participation, standard of living
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Hoping the new attorney general does the right thing
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019
Today we are in the midst of writing a new chapter in the history of legal aid in Ontario — a system that has served as a much-emulated model of the world, with the legal clinics having played a central role of its success. A system that is now under attack, with deliberate misinformation about its lack of efficiency as the justification for its obliteration.
Tags: budget, ideology, participation, poverty, rights, standard of living
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Low-wage workers have less access to EI benefits than higher earners, report says
Friday, June 28th, 2019
Low-wage workers are largely employed in retail, accommodation and food services, which are characterized by a high rate of part-time work and shorter tenures. This can mean they can’t get enough hours to qualify for benefits… “They’re being individually penalized for labour market conditions that are way beyond their control.” This makes it harder for many people working low-wage jobs to qualify not only for EI but also for other work-related income supports
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Ontario’s new attorney general should reverse cuts to legal aid
Monday, June 24th, 2019
The fact is, cutting funding for legal aid will further erode any hope the poor and vulnerable have of receiving justice in a system that’s already stacked against them… If he doesn’t, the fallout will be painful for the poor and immensely costly for taxpayers… who will pay for the costly incarceration of innocent people who are not going to get fair legal representation in bail hearings, criminal cases or immigration and refugee detention hearings.
Tags: budget, ideology, participation, poverty, rights, standard of living
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Canada Signs Historic Post-Secondary Education Agreement with Métis Nation
Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
The Government of Canada Budget 2019 proposed an investment of $362-million over 10 years and $40-million ongoing to support Métis Nation post-secondary education, with the goal of supporting over 7,000 Métis Nation post-secondary students… This Sub-Accord will establish new approaches aimed at improving the education outcomes of Métis Nation students and programs and support three activity streams including student support, community-based programs and services, and governance capacity.
Tags: budget, Indigenous, participation, standard of living
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Federal government to launch Equality Fund to entrench women’s rights and gender equality
Sunday, June 2nd, 2019
… the Equality Fund… will be used to raise even more money from philanthropists and community organizations, and then divvied up among underfunded organizations that advocate for women’s rights and gender equality… The government money is the stimulus, but the longevity of the fund and its ability to act quickly and with flexibility come from the power of the non-governmental organizations, philanthropists and foundations involved in the collaboration.
Tags: budget, featured, globalization, ideology, participation, philanthropy, rights, standard of living, women
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Lawyers condemn Doug Ford government cuts to legal-aid funding
Saturday, April 13th, 2019
A large cut to legal-aid funding from Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government will leave some of the province’s most vulnerable and impoverished people without proper representation in court, lawyers warn, while also slashing Legal Aid Ontario’s budget for refugee and immigration cases by two-thirds… the cuts will mean more courtroom delays and a lack of legal help for people fleeing oppressive regimes, fighting for the custody of their kids or facing other court proceedings.
Tags: budget, ideology, poverty, rights, standard of living
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