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Ontario’s bureaucracies continue to fail the most vulnerable

Monday, October 15th, 2012

Oct 15, 201
Who among us hasn’t known someone forever changed by a head injury, or seen a relative transformed by the ravages of dementia. It’s a major problem in our healthcare system, and one that isn’t getting any better… If Ontario can afford to put Ms. Arthurs in the wrong facility, it surely can afford to keep her in the right one. Bureaucratic silos and institutional fiefdoms must not be allowed to deny patients and families the care they need.

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… the Occupiers’ new slogan: Feed the poor! Tax the veterinarians!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

Jun 6, 2012
the study also looked closely into who qualifies for the Canadian 1%. They are overwhelmingly male, generally over the age of 35 and spread across multiple economic sectors. While the average wage of someone in the 1%, as said above, is $450,000, the minimum wage required to enter it is a surprisingly low $230,000 a year. That’s a lot of money, but not huge money. And those making it aren’t the stock brokers and financial executives you’d expect. Indeed, for every banker on the list, you’ll find a dentist or veterinarian.

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Recognize the right to die

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

Aug. 5, 2011
Canadian health-care laws should never be changed to make euthanasia or assisted suicide the default option under any circumstances. The automatic presumption should remain in favour of medical treatment and prolonging life. But the law goes too far in declaring that the only way to protect the rights of the terminally ill to the longest possible life is by limiting the rights of others to make a different choice.

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Ontario health minister has strange concept of fairness

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Mar 14, 2011
[Breast] cancer has a high likelihood of reoccurring if not treated with the drug Herceptin, which can cut the chance of cancer returning in half. But Ontario only provides the drug to those whose tumours have grown to be larger than one centimetre in diameter. Ms. Anzarut, by catching her cancer early, disqualified herself from the best possible treatment. Her appeal for an exemption was rejected… Morally and fiscally, the healthcare system is offside with reality… Especially since Herceptin is already given to women in Ms. Anzarut’s situation in other Canadian provinces.

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Families shouldn’t be left alone to care for Alzheimer’s victims

Monday, January 31st, 2011

January 31, 2011
Alzheimer’s is a disease that utterly destroys its victims personalities, leaving them bewildered wisps of their former selves, with nothing to look forward but a slow slide into incontinence, immobility and ultimately, a sad, pathetic death. And that doesn’t account for the suffering of the families… our society must steel itself for the wave of Alzheimer’s and dementia that is our future, and put in place the long-term care facilities and community support programs necessary to confront it. It won’t be cheap. But to do otherwise is unconscionable.

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Why the Tories will win the prison expansion political battle

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

January 12, 2011
Our crime rate is trending down. It’s the politics of fear, say the opposition parties… the Tories will win this battle, anyway. So long as our criminal justice system keeps giving average voters a reason to want to see the system “fixed,” the party promising to do that will get the votes… Rehabilitation is great, redemption is dandy, but when Canadians get the sense that criminals are getting off lightly, and that that problem can be made to go away by spending a mere few billion dollars, they will vote for that.

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