
Are private health care providers breaking the law? Four doctors speak out on for-profit care in Canada

Saturday, August 10th, 2024

… the Canada Health Act, which specifies that medically necessary care pertains to care provided by a physician or in a hospital in order for provinces to receive their full Canada Health Transfer payments. The Act, which became law in 1984, is understandably silent on other health-care providers, such as nurse practitioners, or technological platforms that have emerged in the ensuing years… “… it’s absolutely horrible that people are being asked to pay for primary care especially when we see such a lack of support for physicians working in primary care through the publicly funded route.”

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As for-profit health care expands across Canada, doctors are fighting back

Friday, August 2nd, 2024

… the Canadian Medical Association is calling on governments across the country to ensure medically necessary care is based on need and not on the ability to pay. This includes enforcing a provision in the Canada Health Act that bans making patients pay fees as a condition of receiving publicly insured health services, a practice employed by some private medical clinics.

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Ontario is going to lean on private health facilities. Here’s what that could mean for our system

Saturday, August 20th, 2022

“What happens when you inject private money into the health-care system, there is a short term boost in capital … but that doesn’t last very long, and the costs will go up… systems with higher rates of private financing are negatively associated with universality, equity, accessibility and quality of care, as has previously been found in international literature reviews”

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We broke down the hospitalization risk of going unvaccinated in Ontario. Here’s what the numbers say

Wednesday, August 18th, 2021

Unvaccinated Ontarians are ending up in hospital with COVID-19 nearly 20 times as often as fully vaccinated individuals and in the last week have been about 70 times more likely to end up in intensive care… there are more than six times as many unvaccinated patients currently hospitalized with COVID (68) as fully vaccinated individuals (11)… an unvaccinated Ontarian has been nearly nine times more likely to test positive for COVID than a fully vaccinated individual; they’ve been 19 times more likely to end up in hospital; and at the most serious end, the unvaccinated have gone to the ICU more than 70 times as often as the larger population with both doses.

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How much COVID help did the Ford government give Ontario schools? An analysis reveals the real numbers

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

… in Ontario’s public and Catholic school boards, each school was able to add just 1.5 new staff members on average. In terms of teachers alone, that works out to less than one per school…. most of the funding announced by the province for COVID-19 help in schools actually came from school boards themselves or the federal government.

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For-profit nursing homes have four times as many COVID-19 deaths as city-run homes, Star analysis finds

Saturday, May 9th, 2020

A resident in a for-profit home has been about 60 per cent more likely to catch COVID-19 and 45 per cent more likely to die than a resident in a non-profit home. A for-profit resident has also been about four times more likely to catch COVID-19 and four times more likely to die than a resident in a municipally run home… Overall, for-profit homes make up less than 60 per cent of long-term-care homes in the province, but they account for 16 of the 20 worst outbreaks.

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Diagnosing changes to health-care funding

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Dec 20 2011
The health transfer currently represents about 10 per cent of all federal spending. For the sake of comparison, health-care costs make up 42 per cent of the Ontario government’s total program spending… “About 80 per cent of what Ontario spends on health care comes from provincial taxes. So if the economy slows down and revenues decrease, that will be a much bigger deal than the size of the federal transfer”… On the other hand… with restricted funding, those who could get those benefits will be those who can pay out of pocket. The result will be two-tiered health care.

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Canada leads in happiness research

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010
… if you just make everyone wealthier, especially among the wealthy countries and wealthy people, people are going to have higher standards of living but not necessarily feel better about life. Everyone’s deriving their happiness in part relative to material standards set by others. Measuring progress solely by growth in GDP is an outmoded idea because we have better ways to measure our social objectives. Q What are the things that actually make Canadians happy? Social factors… explain a good fraction.

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Ontario parents who fail to pay support can lose car

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Nov. 8, 2010
Starting December 1, people caught driving [with a suspended licence for failing to pay family support] will have their vehicles suspended for seven days… Such a remedy is a punitive measure that goes beyond the transportation ministry’s jurisdiction and does not take into account legimate reasons for missed support payments, says Lloyd Gorling, founder of Ex-fathers, an advocacy group for divorced dads… “How are you going to make support payments if you can’t get to work?”…

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